Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Kaylee Preston

I frowned as I peeked into the bathroom, hoping to see that it was free. But I immediately saw my sister Lexi's cold, hard eyes staring at me through the mirror. I backed down, knowing the bathroom was hers until, by some miracle, she came out.

That was the trouble with sisters like Lexi. They were overpowering, and no matter what I had to do, her needs were prioritized before mine. At least my mom tried to fair things out while we were at home. But I knew in my heart that she favored Lexi over me as well.

At school it was much worse. With few friends and little fashion sense, I didn't belong in her crowd. I stayed away, hoping that the popular kids didn't even realize I existed.

I was invisible.

Lexi knew it. If she wanted the bathroom to herself, she got it. If she wanted to borrow one of my articles of clothing, she got it. I was vulnerable to anything she told me.

This morning felt the same as always. I, being banished from the luxury of makeup and even a comb, sat on my bed and chose the outfit that would blend in with everyone else. A pink tank top with silver leggings seemed like a good idea. I slipped the clothes on and headed silently down to the table, praying that breakfast would not be oatmeal again.

My mom was one of those people who need to have everything in a certain order . . . including breakfast. Eating was mandatory in the Preston household, and to ensure that my mom prepared it for us each weekday.

As I sat down and wolfed down my eggs and bacon (thank goodness!), I heard the stairs creak and Lexi come around the corner, bouncing her newly curled hair around as if it was on a pogo stick. She stopped dead when her eyes fell to me. I did my best to ignore her stares.

"Hello girls!" My mom walked in and sat at the table, pulling out her phone to answer a text message. I rolled my eyes at Lexi, who was still standing stalk-still and glaring at me as if I was the cause of World War II.

I finally responded to her gawking with an indignant huff and said, "What now?"

She widened her eyes and said in the sweetest tone she could muster, "Your going to school . . . in that?" I felt my cheeks reddening and my heart beating faster and faster, hoping my mom would step in sooner than later. But she was still staring at her phone intently.

"Um . . . yes?"

Lexi groaned and slouched down on her chair, dramatically putting the back of her hand against her forehead. "Mom," she whined, "Please stop poor Kaylee from going to school dressed like she's in sixth grade. She'll embarrass me!" Fat chance. Half of her friends didn't even know she had a twin.

Without glancing up from her message, Mom shrugged and said casually, "Then maybe you should consider changing outfits, Kaylee?" When I moaned, she looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Your sister is only watching out for you."

I scooped up the last bite of egg into my fork and swallowed, shaking my head. "I think I'm fine exactly how I am."

"Well you'd be the first," Lexi snarled, just loud enough for me to hear. I stuck out my tongue at her and stood up, brushing the crumbs off of my shirt.

"I'm off to school. Bye, Mom." I grabbed my school bag and hurried out the door before my rude twin could utter another insult at me.

The cool breeze hit my face lightly, the leaves dancing around with the wind. It was November, and the leaves were changing from the beautiful orange and red to a dull brown. I breathed in deeply, begging Mother Nature for this to be a good day.

As I walked down the sidewalk, I pulled out my little mirror and eye makeup kit. I quickly applied mascara and eyeliner and put it all away before I got to the carpool.

I was used to this routine. It happened whenever Lexi took her time in the bathroom (which was practically every day). But I wanted to look my best when I arrived at the stop in the morning for a special reason.

Ben Walker.

He and his sidekick, Charlie Everwood, were easily the two most popular boys at Parker High. They were much adored, and I had had a huge crush on Ben since I was a freshman.

No seniors rode the bus, but most of them carpooled and met at a central location just around the corner from my house. Fortunately, my carpool (with the two friends that I actually had, Annie and Rose) was usually parked directly across from Ben and Charlie's group, so I always spied on them a little before joining my friends in the car.

There was only one obstacle that I tried to get over, but couldn't.

Lexi was Ben's girlfriend.

And no matter how hard I tried to forget my appreciation for my sister's boyfriend, I couldn't.

I still didn't know if he knew I existed. Past boyfriends had never even heard my name. But I certainly heard theirs. And since my room was right next to Lexi's room, I heard every single sound that they emitted when they were going to town with my sister.

Today, I noticed that Ben looked strangely quiet as he arrived, started his truck, and left with the rest of the guys. He was usually cocky and loud, but not today. Wondering what was wrong, I decided to watch him carefully in our first period. We both had History together first period. Not that he realized that.

As I walked down to my locker to grab my History binder, I saw him looking distraught as he emerged from a closet with, I could only guess, my sister. Man, he looked hot as he ran his fingers through his golden hair and let out a long sigh.

I stopped staring, hoping I wasn't turning into one of his fangirls who followed him around everywhere and were always giggling as they paraded into class late.

I had a feeling that something was wrong . . . so why did I feel like this might just be the best day of my life?

This is my first watt pad entry so please leave comments and stuff! :) Thanks for reading and I'll post the next chapter as soon as I can!

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