Chapter 51

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Luna's POV

The lesson ended and I went to my second class. That guy walked straight in there. Was he following me? How does he know my name? "Hey baby," Enzo came up behind me. "What's up?" I asked. "How does that guy know you?" Enzo questioned me. "I don't know, I've never seen him before, I'll ask Henry about it later," I smiled at him. We walked into science, the teacher made a seating plan and I was placed next to that guy. "How do you know me?" I whispered as I sat down. "That's a secret I'll never tell," he told me. "Luna, Damon. Stop taking," out teacher shouted at us. We apologised and carried on with the lesson.

At break I found henry sat with his mates and Lexi. As I got closer I saw who was laughing along with them. "Henry we need to talk," I pulled him away. "That guy is in all my classes and my history teacher knows who his boss is. Do you know anything about him?" I asked. "No, his name is Damon and he's new. Other than that I don't know who or where he came from," Henry replied. "Please don't lie to me henry," I whined. "I promise, I don't know him. I think he's an exchange student or something," he told me and walked away. I sighed and went to sit in my usual place under he benches.

Henry's POV

"What was that about?" Damon asked. "Luna asked if I knew anything about you. I told her that I think your an exchange student or something so she won't question it," I told him. "Exchange student my ass," Damon smirked and pulled out his gun a little. "What happened to low profile?" Lexi asked. "I am, no one knows I have it. Although before I go home I need to get my other one from that head teacher," Damon laughed. "Mr peters has your ghost load?" I sounded surprised. Ghost load if the family code word for gun. "Yeah, he took it from me this morning," Damon told me. I had to use code words around my friends since none of them knew about my mum and dad. We all sat there and laughed for the whole of break. The bell went and signalled for us to go to our third lesson. "Laters Damon," I did a bro shake with him and walked away to my next class.

Damon's POV

When Henry and Lexi walked away, all their friends were staring at me. "Are you on steroids?" One looked really confused. "Ah, no I'm not, I've been working out since I was 5 so I'm really big built," I laughed. "Right," they all said and walked away. For my third lesson I had English so I walked over to the class room. "Hello, take a seat anywhere you want," the man said and stood up. "Thanks mr?" I thanked him. "Mr Greene," he told me. "Thanks mr Greene," I smiled and sat down. In front of me sat Luna and her boyfriend. He had his arm around her shoulders but she looked kind of uncomfortable. "Hey," I tapped Enzo's arm. "What do you want?" He asked sounding pissed off. "Hands off," I pushed his arm from Luna. "She's my girl not yours so back off mate," he put his hand back on Luna. "I wouldn't do that... mate," I flashed him my gun. He quickly put his hand down and left it there. A couple minutes later, Luna passed me a note without Enzo seeing. I leaned forward and took it from her hand. 'You need to stay away from me and my brother, you don't want to mess with my dad,' the note said. I laughed. "Is something funny mr Gómez?" The teacher called on me from the front of the class room. Everyone's eyes landed on me. "Yes sir, a certain someone has made me laugh," I winked at Luna. "Please be quiet about it then," he sighed. The end of the lesson came and I had to talk to the teacher. "Mr Greene, is is possible that I sit in your class room and break and lunch times? My boss wants me to keep a low profile," I told him. "Yeah, it's fine with me. Rose is a good person, she shouldn't be in the life she is now. Other than that it's fine with me that your in here," mr Greene smiled. "Thanks," i returned the smile and went to my next lesson. Maths, ugh. It went by really quick and I headed back to mr Greene's class. "Sup sir," I nodded at him when I entered. "Hello Damon. I will be in here as well for lunch so you can go on your phone or whatever you need to to," he told me. I decided to call rose to give her updates. "Hello damon, you alright?" Rose asked. "Yeah, today has gone smoothly. I have two more lessons then I'll be home," I told her. "Ok, I need you to pick up the twins, Emilio and Cole from school, I'm in a meeting until 5pm so I won't be able to do it," Rose sighed. "Yeah no problem," I said, she thanked me and hung up. "That's bullshit Enzo," I heard Luna shout in the lunch hall. "What was that?" Mr Greene turned to me. "That was Luna," I quickly got up and ran to find her. She was stood in the middle of a crowd shouting at Enzo. "I'm just another shitty conquest of yours," she shouted. "That's not true, I actually like you Luna, why can't you see that?" Enzo yelled. "You bullshit so much you believe your own lies," Luna spat at him. Enzo lifted up his hand to hit her but I pushed past everyone and punched him in the face causing him to fall in the floor. Some of his friends went straight over to him. I grabbed Luna and took her to my car. The gun and knife would have to wait until tomorrow. "Let me go," she struggled in my grip. I unlocked my car and placed her in the passenger side and went to the drivers and left the school.

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