sweet pea

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sweet pea flowers represent delicate pleasure and bliss


(Y/N) has figured out she might actually have asthma.

She really cant breathe right now with the knowledge of going alone to a boy's (is Harry really a boy, though?) house, especially one like Harry. And she's running out of time.

The already short drive, seemed to be even shorter with how quickly (Y/N)'s thoughts were running through her head. Before she realized it, they were parked in front of a nice looking house. A quaint looking little place with a black and white cat sitting in a window. Not entirely what (Y/N) had expected Harry to live in, no matter if Mitch lives there as well.

In her head, it was going to be just an all black house with dead flowers in the front and a "keep out" sign pasted on the front door, and a heavy metal rock concert going on right out on the front lawn. She knew it wasn't going to be like that (she is still realistic), but who would have envisioned Harry to be living in a nice light blue house with white trimming, a fairly healthy flower bed out front, and a petite little cat watching from the window.

Harry silently got out of the car, he sound of the door opening causing (Y/N) to follow suit and get out as well. She followed closely behind him, remembering to send a quick text to Sarah about her whereabouts and to let her know when she got home.

"Be careful, the cat likes to trip people," Harry warned, a breathy laugh exhaling from his lips. That's the closest (Y/N)'s heard as a laugh from him, and she thinks it might be the prettiest sound she's ever heard.

He led her through the door, flicking on the lights as he went, and as he said, the little black and white cat from the window ran right between his legs and right in front of her's almost tripping them both.

"Sorry, Evie jus' really likes people," he explains, reaching down and picking her up from in front of (Y/N)'s legs.

"It's okay. She's so cute!" She exclaimed, reaching toward her in Harry's arms and petting at her head, "You said her name was Evie?"

"Yeah, me mum gave her to me after I visited a little while back. Ended up really getting along, so she was sent home with me. A real troublemaker, she is." His voice was full of an emotion (Y/N) could only describe as fondness. This was the most she thinks he had ever talked to her, honestly. About something good, too!

"She seems very sweet," (Y/N) complimented, giving Evie a final pet before stepping back. The look of big, tattooed Harry, holding this small, petite kitten was one of the most adorable little things she's ever seen. Who would have known that Harry would have such as soft spot for cats?

"Did y'want anything to eat or drink? 'M going to grab a water, if y'want anything," Harry offered, giving his kitten one more little pet before setting her down. He turned in the direction of his kitchen, glancing back for her answer.

"Just a water, please." (Y/N) stood in the spot where Harry left her, looking around the walls and the decor trying to pretend she didn't feel awkward just standing in the middle of his home.

"Y'can take a seat on the couch if you'd like," Harry called, sounding almost amused as he looked back towards her from the fridge, "I've got Netflix and Hulu on the telly if y'wanted to pick something out to watch."

She quickly picked her place in the corner of the couch, happy to not be feeling like a house plant in the middle of the room anymore. She picked up his TV remote, turning it on to see a main menu with the different options of what platform to use for television. Harry was just a beat behind her, with two water bottles in his hands. He sat himself on the opposite side, giving a solid amount of space that helped (Y/N)'s heart to slow down. He silently handed her the bottle of water.

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