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It had been about four years since they left. Lio, always cold and pale, spent many months out of the year trying to mend the wounds on both sides. But he still had some of his own. He felt himself grow weak. The doctor said he was anemic. Lack of iron and protein in his blood. But that was years ago. Now he felt a need to finally return.

The city changed a lot. Meis always talked about the beautiful gardens and museums. And apparently he was quite the celebrity.

He drove up to the apartment, the sun beating down on him. Despite this, he was still cold and wore a grey sweater over the regular leather. Meis stood outside watering his plants. He too seemed to have attracted coldness, because he was wearing layers of pants.

"Hey, you made it!" Meis waved.

Lio smiled, taking off his helmet and letting long blond hair fall onto his shoulders. "You've settled in well."

"Does this means you're retiring?" Meis was always quick to ask that.

"I dunno." Lio always shrugged it off. He wanted to retire, but there was always more work to be done. More injuries to mend. It's slowed over the years, but there's always someone out there.

"Well, if you're not going to retire now, you should at least visit more. No ones seen you in over two years!" Meis worried. "And you know he's dying to see you."


Despite his busy life, despite never even hearing from him, despite never getting even a photo or an update on his life, he can't get away from the thought of him. Sure the man would be on tv, but Lio barely had the time to check. The last time he saw Galo, his hair was so long he had to pull it back.


Of course he got his hair cut. The long messy knots were just too difficult to brush out. Lio sat with a book in his hands, something about a girl on fire, letting the charming little lady blow dry his hair. He decided to cut it shorter than usual, so it ended just below his ears. He also noticed how it began to curl on its own now. Guess there was no stopping it.

The undercut was what really changed. It wasn't too noticeable unless he put his hair up. Just something to shorten his morning routine. He already missed it.

Gueira had gone off to college. He desperately wanted to join in on big scientific discoveries, but he needed to go to school first. Meis refused school, opting for weird part time jobs and helping out with Julie's business. She was an older lady who liked knitting and selling food from her garden. Lio found all this out during a late night phone call.

Seeing the lady, right in front of him, was something else. He was expected a granny type of character, hunched over and pinching the checks of handsome young men. Instead she looked like a goddess. Graying hair cut short, yellow and black tank with a long matching skirt. She held her gardening shovel like it was knife used in gang fights. She still ended up pinching his cheeks.

"Why, do you even shave!" Julie seemed surprised at how soft his skin was. He did in fact shave, but used lotion regularly as well.

"You should have seen him back in the day," Meis said, putting an arm around Julie and pulling out a photo.

"My, he looks so cute!" Julie squealed. Lio just tried to ignore it.

"I'm gonna go grab some lunch. Only stopping by," Lio said.

"Okay. Hey, you should try this new pizza place. I went not too long ago, and the food there is like nothing else!" Meis grinned.

"I guess I'll try it," Lio said, sliding his helmet on. "See ya."


Galo found himself alone for once. The press seemed to have cleared out for some unknown reason, and fans seemed to have gotten shy lately. He had always been good with crowds, and saving the world almost brought him the fame he always dreamed of. Almost.

He realized the moment that bike last rode off into the distance that he was missing something- no, someone important. Lio used to only leave for short periods of time. But those days stretched to months, and months stretched to years.

Lio preferred not having a phone on him for whatever reason, making it harder to stay connected. The man was always on the move, to the point where even the press had trouble following him. And Galo hated it.

If he would admit it, and he has to a select few, he would say that Lio Fotia has taken his heart. And the longer he's gone, the harder it is to admit it. So when Galo suddenly hears a commotion coming from outside the pizza restaurant, he finds himself staring at a very strong feeling. He returned.


Lio has not expected so many fans. Sure, people respected him in other places, but only because he was willing to help. They never got in his face, begged for his signature, or even flirted. A young girl was trying to ask him out when he finally broke.

"Shut up!" He shouted. Everyone was silenced, waiting for his next words. Instead he turned on his heel and marched into the pizza place.

He must have looked pissed, because the entire restaurant looked afraid. This was something he was used to. Fear. He was about to order food when a pair of muscular arms wrapped around his waist and lifted him in the air.

"Lio! Who woulda' thought you'd returned!"


Hello, author here! I know the Promare fandom is small over here, but I'm excited to post this story. This story has a lot to do with family and things that happened in the past. And yes, there is a bit of romance. I'm also trying to post a piece of fanart with every chapter, just to get in a bit of practice with my art. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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