Just Like You - Appsro x Reader

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WARNING: because we're talking about Appsro, there might be some sexual themes, nudity and blah blah blah
So if you don't like this kind of stuff, then I don't suggest you read this
Btw, this is a lot longer than my normal ones so get comfortable

"Now Appsro, no swearing, no drinking and no pervy jokes," you said as you helped your boyfriend to put on his tie.

"So you want me to be the complete opposite of who I am," he said with a pout.

You giggled. "That's right Appy." You playfully poked hid nose.

He started whining so you shut him up by giving a peck on his lips. He looked satisfied.

"Fine," he mumbles. "I can't wait to meet your parents," he said with his goofy smile of his.

You sighed. You moved here when you were twenty. That was where you met Appsro, your boyfriend. You've been dating for about six years. You moved back to your home town and Appsro wanted to accompany you. You two bought a house together there. Appsro wanted to meet your parents so badly, so you decided you two will spend the whole week at their house with them.

You gave him another quick peck before you two went out. 

"I'll drive," you volunteered.

"Why?" he asked after he put your luggage in the car boot.

"Because first of all, I know the way," you said. "And second of all," you rolled your (eye colour) eyes, "knowing you, you'd rather lay your eyes on me than on the road."

"Point taken." He smirks.


"Now remember what I told you, sweetie," your mother said as she helped your father to put on his tie.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He rolled his eyes. "I won't embarrass myself."

"Not just you, but your daughter too," she said as she gave him a little peck on his lips.

He then squeezed her butt, which made her gasp and breaks the kiss.

"Butt squeezer." She pouted.

Your father gave her a smirk before he put his pants on.


You perfectly parked the car in front of your parents' house. Appsro decided to be a gentleman and told you to knock on the door while he takes all your luggage.

Your mother opened the door and surprised you in a tight hug. "My sweetie is finally home!" she squealed. She then let go. "You've grown so much. You're now a fine woman." She smiled at you.

You smiled back. "I missed you too, mom."

You then saw a figure behind her.

"What? Can I get a hug too?" your father said.

You giggled and tackled him into a hug.

Your boyfriend then arrived at the front door, he was carrying two bags on each arm and one on his back.

"And who is this strong and good looking guy?" your mother said, raising an eyebrow.

Appsro blushed at your mother's comment and greeted her with a nod. "I'm Appsro, your daughter's boyfriend. It's very nice to finally meet you." He gives her the famous charming smile.

She started squealing and tackled your boyfriend in a warm hug. She then turned towards you. "He's even cuter and more handsome in person!"

Appsro scratched the back of his head as he put down his bags after your mother closed the door. "Why thank you Ms. (Last name)."

"Oh please. You can call me Sanya," she said.

Gold nodded and he walked towards you but there was an obstacle between you two. "So you're the lucky winner, huh?" Your father smirked.

The blue-haired young man wasn't sure if he was supposed to be scared or not. He cleared his throat and said, "It's nice to meet you, Mr. (Last name)."

"It's nice to meet you too, Appsro. You can call me Tom if you want." He nudges Appsro with his elbow.

Appsro gave a surprised look before your father let him walk towards you so he could wrap his arms around your waist.

"Why don't you bring your bags to your room while I help my wife do the table?"

You both nodded and took your bags.

"Dinner is almost ready," your mother said. "Do you like biryani, Appsro dear?" she asked.

"I can have anything. Thank you for making us dinner," he said with a nod.

"It's no biggie." She giggled. "Meet us at the dining room when you're done."


"So how did you guys meet?" your father asked.

You decided to let Appsro answer this question.

"She was my neighbour's roommate. Once I saw her beautiful (eye colour) eyes, I couldn't lay my eyes off of her." He looked at you and smiled. " We then had a battle. I may have lost the battle, but I won her heart."

Your mother squealed while your father chuckled.

"That's the cheesiest thing you've ever said." You giggled as you gave Appsro a peck on his cheek.

"I remember when I first met your mother," your father said with a smirk. "I couldn't lay my eyes off of her when I saw her ass," he snickered.

Appsro laughed while you mother blushed madly and you sighed. The reason why you were nervous was that your father was exactly like Appsro.

"I had my first battle with her and she lost. She was so cute and hot when she was mad," he said as he pinched your mom's cheeks.

Appsro laughed even harder while your mother's cheeks were puffed.

"So how was your first?" he asked while raising an eyebrow.

You choked when you heard him. Your mother had enough and slapped your father across his face. You and Appsro looked at each other and blushed madly.

"What kind of question is that?! We're at the table for god's sake!" your mother shouted, which shocked you and your father.

"It was interesting," Appsro smirked. "It hurt a lot at first, but then I felt like I was in heaven."

"Appsro!" you shouted and flicked his forehead.

"That's exactly how I felt! Gimme a high-five!" your father said as he lifted a hand in the air.

Your boyfriend gladly high-fived your dad while you and your mom just sighed.

"How about I serve you a glass of wine to celebrate this new relationship?" your father proposed as he opened a bottle of red wine.

"Appsro," you said as you gave him a long glance.

"Just one glass," he begged.

You shook your head. He then gave you those puppy-dog eyes.

"How old do you think you are? It doesn't work on me anymore." You crossed your arms.

"Don't listen to her. She's not the boss in this house," your father whispered to Appsro.

"I heard that," you growled.

"Oh come on! Please?" Appsro whined.

You finally let out a sigh in defeat. "Fine," you mumbled.

Appsro grinned and gave you a peck on the cheek. "You're the best. I love you."

"I love you too." You rolled your eyes.


You and your mother decided that you would let the boys clean the table, as a little punishment for their inappropriate behaviour. You heard them talking, so you popped your head in the kitchen, so you could hear their conversation without them noticing you.

"I really like you, son. I'm sure you'll make a great husband for my daughter one day." Your father winked.

You blushed as you heard him say that. Appsro scratched the back of his head.

"Actually, I really wanted to meet you and get your blessing." You saw him blushing. "I intend on proposing to her at the end of the week."

You pinched yourself, making sure you weren't dreaming or imagining things. But you knew this was real. Your father put a hand on Appsro's shoulder.

"My daughter really loves you. I can tell," he said. "You have my blessing. Treat her well. She's my only daughter."

"I really love her too. I promise I won't let you down."

Your eyes started to get wet as you quietly ran upstairs to your room.


"Told you that I'd nail it!" Appsro winked as he wrapped his arms around your waist

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