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Once Upon a Time, there lives a five-year-old child, she has a pink hair, sun-kissed skin, and black orb eyes. The day after she was born, her parents died in an accident, leaving her alone on her own. Worried doctors, was thinking for her future and decided to put her in an orphan house. But before they can, a young man who claimed to be the child's father's brother took her on his care. Relieve, the doctors agreed and allowed him to take her with him.

Now five years had passed and the small baby was now healthy and growing fast. Just being able to stay with her Uncle, who she called by his name and a talking cat who she names as 'Happy' were her happiness.

But this happiness disappeared when the man suddenly went missing. Days passed and she would look around for him but returned with no one on her side. Months had passed and still, no one came home, lying on her bed, hugging her friend cat and the scarf her uncle gave her.

A knock suddenly came from the door, hoping it was her Uncle. Natsu and Happy sprang up from their bed and raced their way to the front door. But instead of being greeted by her red-haired Uncle, an old man was standing in front of her telling her she will taking care of her now, as what had instructed to him by her Uncle.

Felling sadness and depression, she didn't want to go, but being alone made her lonely even more. Days later, she was now brought to an orphan house, which was named after fairies.

"Fairy Tail" she read out loud.

"Surprised?" the old man asked, earning a nod from her.

Curious she asked why, but the answer she got was "Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist... Like them, this place as an eternal mystery... A never-ending adventure" Her eyes started to widen and a smile crept from her face.

"In this house, you can do whatever you want, you have your families to guide you and help you when you are in trouble and cry with you if you are sad." she smiled to the young girl.

"So smile and remove those ugly tears" he advised, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes. The young girl laughs and cheered with her cat friend, happy to have and be accepted by her new family. Her stay in fairy tail soon turned into days, days turned into months and months turned into years.

Now here she is, a third-year Junior high student, still remained reckless and carefree, and sometimes starts a brawl with her classmates.

"Hey Komachi, you gave me the wrong sheets didn't you" she accused to the brown-haired lad.

"Huh? What are you talking about Natsu? I did give you the right one for the quiz" he justified.

"Then, why is it I was not able to answer all the questions?"

A silver-haired lass came and check the pink-haired answer sheets. "That's amazing Natsu, to get a big zero on your quiz"

"Shut up Lisanna, Koma gave me the wrong sheets"

"Oh you mean that paper he handed to you yesterday?"

"Yes that one"

"But when I read it, it was the pointers for the quiz"


"hmm, that means you studied the wrong lessons, not my fault" the brown-haired lad concluded.

"What was that Koma-ass, want to fight?"

"Sorry but I hate fighting, but Lisanna's brother will be happy to brawl with you."

"What was that?" before the brawl started, the door opened and the teacher came to start his lessons.

Reluctantly she went back to her seat and sat down. Hours had passed and classes are almost done when the bell rung. Natsu took all her things and placed it inside her bag, she made a race to her shoe locker and wore her outdoor shoe. After she was done, she made a sprint outside the gate and hurried her way outside.

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