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     My life was destroyed years ago, when my mom died in London. I will never forget that day, it was on March 26th, 2013, I remember it because I was in Athens with my dad that day. We were celebrating the Greek Independence Day, there was a big reception in the Old Royal Palace, it was amazing. My dad was the French Ambassador in Greece back then, so we lived in Athens, but that day my mom had to go back to London and she never came back. I was 10, I had the best life I could have, I've always been happy, but everything changed that day. Two years later, my dad and I moved to Spain because he became the French Ambassador in Spain, it was a new start, a new beginning to forget what happened to my mom, how our lives turned into hell.

      So, we settled in Madrid, in an amazing villa but it wasn't Athens, it wasn't London, it wasn't like our very old family house in France. Here, I was the daughter of the French Ambassador in Spain, I was the granddaughter of Margarett Ascot MacLeod, I was a de Martin de Viviés, an Ascot and a MacLeod. I was a Lady, my parents were both descendants of noble family, from France and from Britain. That's all the people remember about me, especially in Las Encinas. I've never had friends, neither in New Orleans or in London, neither in Athens nor in France, I only met the children of my dad's relation, I've never had friends until I joined Las Encinas.

     I arrived in Las Encinas in the middle of the year, I didn't know anyone, I didn't want to know anyone, I was still mourning my mom, and my old life. But Carla Rosón Caleruega didn't thought like me, apparently my grandma known her mom, so la marquesita wouldn't leave me alone, she became my best friend, so does Lu and all the others.

    Even if I denied it, I was a part of the Golden Youth, I was well born, I had money and a name, I was part of the Elite, but there's a price to pay for being a part of the Golden Youth, you can never really be yourself, 'cause you can't really trust anyone... 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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