Catching some Z's

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"Babe, let her be." Maggie grabbed Alex by her waist and pecked her lips tenderly. "That's just something between her and Lena."

"You're right, Mags."

Kara was already in and in the shower she found behind one of the doors upstairs. Alex helped Lena stand up and she then lead them in.

"Welcome to our Luthor weekend house, this is the living room, over there is kitchen and upstairs are bedrooms. I'm sure you'll like the bed." She winked at them. "Oh, and these stairs that lead to the basement where wine cellar, whirlpool and sauna is."

"Oh it makes so much fucking sense now. Thank you very much." Alex face-palmed herself, she was glad that her sister wasn't doing Lena right outside of the house in the snow.

"Which room can we take?" Maggie asked as soon as all of them reached the last step of the staircase.

"Whichever you like. You're here before the boys so you got to choose."

"Awesome, thanks."

"And now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go shower and get dressed."

Lena creeped up to the room she and Kara shared. "Kara? Where are you?"

"Over here."

"Can you tell me what was that?"

"What was what?" Kara played dumb.

"Ahem," Lena cleared her throat "the thing outside, you know, when you walked out without your towel? Leaving me on the ground whatching your bare ass, ehm, back. Does it ring any bells?" Lena said ironically. She hoped Kara didn't notice the ass instead the back thing.

"Ehm, I left the towel for you I figured you needed it more than me." She answered nonchalantly while unpacking her bag, "Which side do you want?"

Lena blinked twice, "What?" Kara changed the subject quite quickly.

"I asked which side of the bed you want."

"Oh, well I don't mind either side."

Kara kept avoiding the conversation about her stupid, stupid idea. What was I thinking? But what's was she thinking, really? That it is normal for friends to see each other naked? She hoped that Lena saw only her butt though. It was stupid, she shouldn't have done it. How could she explain something like that to Alex. Then she remembered about the boys who were supposed to be coming later. "Winn texted me earlier that they arrive in the afternoon and he wanted me to ask you if it's okay if they bring each a company with them."

"Well, I did not expect that but they can, we've got plenty of room."

"Okay I'll let him know." Kara plopped herself on the bed and stuffed her pyjama under the pillow. "So I did notice there is a TV in this, your room and a DVD player. Can we watch a film? Pretty please?" Kara pouted to what Lena couldn't resist.

"Yes, we can but I'll tell Maggie and Alex what we're up to. I should ask them if they want to watch a film with us, right? Or you go ask them,"she pointed at Kara and then at herself "and I go downstairs to check on the fire."

They agreed on that and both of them went to complete their tasks. Lena threw a few logs in the fire while Kara went to her sister and her girlfriend. "Guys? We're going to watch a film in Lena's room. Wanna join?" Please say no, please say no.

Alex and Maggie looked at each other and exchanged some meaningful looks as if they were trying to communicate together. Which they apparently were. Kara cleared her throat to interrupt whatever secret conversation they had. They nodded at each other in agreement.

"What about going for a walk, babe?" Maggie asked her girlfriend. Yes! Kara thought and put on her bast fake disappointed look.

"Yeah, I'd love that! The drive was long and we need to stretch a little, the walk should be nice. Maybe we'll join you after?" Alex raised an eyebrow at Maggie.

"Right! Have fun though!" She agreed.

"Okay then, enjoy your walk. See ya later!"

Kara was hopping on her way back, happy with the outcome. Just them watching a film, no one else.

It turned out that Lena's film collection was for 10-year old kids. It is a long time since I watched any movie here, Kara. But you know what? Kara didn't mind at all. She was actually pretty pleased! She was kinda a 10 year old herself. She literally struggled with picking a film. She tried to choose her absolute favourite, but she ended up with 15 absolute favourite titles. Lena was getting impatient by every second of Kara's indecisiveness. She grabbed the film's from Kara's hand and displayed them in front of her on the bed. "Close your eyes and try to pick one, Kara. Just one this time." She then chuckled, "We don't have all day for that."

Finally, Kara picked out a movie called Cats & Dogs.

Sometimes in the middle of the film, Kara spoke up. "Did you know that in ancient Egypt people believed that cats were magical creatures, capable of bringing good luck to the people who housed them? They also dressed them i jewels and fed them treats fit for royalty to honor them."

"Actually, yes, I know. Crazy right. They also," Lena yawned "mummified them after they died."

"How cool is that? Are you tired? Beacuse we can totaly lie down..."

"Yeah I think I like that. Can I snuggle up though? I am kinda freezing."

"The fire Lena!" Kara ran likek her life depended on it. She put as many logs she can fit into the fire and ran back to her friend.

"I'm back, snuggle time!" Kara declaired and opened her arms for Lena.

After a while they were both slumbering dreaming of each other in their sleep.

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