The One Night Stand

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        Rebecca had had enough. She'd been working her a*s off. Her boyfriend had dumped her for some white blonde haired blue eyed bimbo whore.Her parents may have well been dead to her and her friends were barely around. She was going to go do something she hadn't done since she was 25 and depressed. She was going to a bar getting wasted and then hopefully laid by a hot brunette with sugary brown eyes or ,at least, a some what attractive guy. Right about now she'd let anything tap that.

    She rushed home and climbed in the shower scrubbing off the despair of the day. The steaming water burned her flesh in the most satisfying way. When she got out she blow dryed and flat ironed her long black hair. She put in a long high ponytail.  It cascaded down her back like an inky river. Then she started on her make up some light natural stuff nothing to heavy. Her winged eyeliner was perfect at least one thing was going right. She left the bathroom to change and then head out to a bar.

     What to wear what to wear? She wanted her intentions to be clear a one night stand was all she wanted not a commitment. She dug way to the back of her closet and found a white dress. It was short and the back was made of lace and the sleeves were made of lace. An extra plus the dress peeled off like a banana peel which made for quick and easy access an important aspect for a one night stand. After a quick check in the mirror she grabbed her purse phone and keys and got in the car for the bar.

      She decided to go her favorite bar Milouge. She walked into the dimly lit and smoky bar and took a seat at the counter.

   "Give me a whiskey and Coke Jack Daniels whiskey and keep'em coming," she said.

     "Wow a woman that takes hard alcohol," A deep voice said.

      "Yea well fruity drinks only get you tipsy and I don't do tipsy," she turned to face the voice and there was her prize. A tall muscular brunette with those sugary sweet eyes. He had strong jaw and a little bit of stubble on his chin. His muscles screamed at her through his dark blue T-shirt and black blazer.

    "Well then you're my kind of woman." He smiled at her.

    " Too bad I don't know you're name."

     " Where  are my manners, I'm Jace."

      "Rebecca." She turned around to grab her drink and downed it in one sip. Before she set the glass down Jace had ordered and paid for another drink.

    "So you're boyfriend know you're here?" He asked.

     " He would if I still had one," Rebecca replied snarkily before downing the next drink and ordering another two.

     "So let me guess you're here to get wasted and then get laid?"

     "Bingo and don't judge," she answered jabbing a finger in his rock hard chest.

    " oh I'm not I'm here to get with someone, too except I'm looking for the one night stand not a one night stand."

       " What's the one night stand?"

      " The one that changes you," he replied softly.

       " Oh well that's not me I'm here for two things and two things only to get wasted and then f*ck someone. "

      " Well I'll take that, too," he said she studied him to see if he was saying what she thought he was. "Yes that means I want to sleep with you," he replied cooly. Rebecca licked her lips and guzzled her last drink.

     "What are we waiting for?" She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him along.

      " you're to drunk to drive I'll drive you to my place and send someone to pick up you're car," Jace said putting his hands on her waist and leading her to his car. She nodded in agreement she was definetly to drunk to drive.

    They pulled up at Jace's house. It could've been a castle. He carried her bridal style inside. On the way upstairs he stopped and instructed a worker to go and retrieve Rebceca's car. The way he said it was so demanding and powerful and Rebecca was nothing if not attracted to power.

      When they reached the top of the stairs they turned right into a room. It was gorgeous. It had a king size bed and classy matching sheets and curtains. The carpet was white and soft.

     Jace gently placed  her on her feet."Relax take you're shoes off this room is completey our's for the night." Rebecca kicked off her heels and sat on the bed. Jace took off his jacket and layed it on a near by chair."Wine?"

     "Sure," Rebecca answered. He poured two glasses of white wine from a mini fridge.  They drank the wine silently. Jace finished first. As Rebecca sipped hers he kissed and sucked on her neck. Eventually he took his hand and placed it between her thighs and started rubbing slow circles down there. He took her glass and placed it on the carpet before he turned and lied her on her back. Rebecca scooted towards the head board and Jace followed. Rebecca coaxed his lips from her neck and on to hers. His hand was still rubbing slow tortuous circles. She slipped her hand under his shirt and he took it off revealing his perfectly chiseled chest. She nipped his nipples and kissed all six of his abs. Then raised back up to his mouth. He pushed her dress up to her hips revealing her black lace panties. He stuck his hand inside her panties and rubbed.

     "Oh!" She cried out kissing him harder. She could feel his bulge against her thigh and it felt good. She flipped them over and he pulled her hair out of the ponytail and ran his fingers through it. She slid down his body and started to undo his pants. She undid the belt and the button then unzipped his pants using her teeth. He raised his hips as she grazed her teeth across his c0ck as she unzipped his pants. His bulge looked larger in his Calvin Klein underwear. Just looking at it had  her soaked. She teasingly  ran a finger down the length of him. He moaned. She rose back up and grinded against him the only thing between his c0ck and her vagina was her thin lace underwear and his briefs. Jace grinded along with her whispering things in her ear.

     "  You feel how hard I am for you?" He whispered she merely grunted. His dirtly talk was a huge turn on. He grinded into her. "Unhh doesn't that feel good?" She nodded burying her face in his neck. "Ohhh...I can't wait to be inside you," he whispered as she kissed his neck and grinded on him. He pulled her dress over her head and Rebecca thanked God for easy access dresses. Jace flipped them.

       "No bra?" He asked taking one of her breast in his mouth.

       "My dress...has...a lacy back," she moaned out arching her back.

        "I like it," he responded slipping her underwear off.  He then removed his underwear. "You ready?" He asked. Rebecca just nodded. He thrusted  forward and she gasped. "Too much?"

          "No perfect keep going." He started slow. He kissed her all over  as he thrusted. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him hungrily. He moaned into her mouth. She arched her back and started meeting his thrust. He picked up her legs and kissed her neck biting it slightly.

        "Tell me what you want," he whispered seductively.


         " Your wish is my command," and he gave her everything as their bodies collidied. His lips on her skin burned in the sexiest way. She touched him her fingers stroking his smooth skin.

        "I'," she moaned the sensation building; her face sweating.

         "Me..too," he moaned pressing his lips to hers. She tightened her legs around him and flipped them over. She arched her back and continued to ride his body.

       "Ohh...Jace!" She cried out orgasming. He groaned following after her. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek. "I'll get my things and go."

          "No you'll stay here sleep and in the morning shower," he insisted flipping on top of her. "Now sleep," he demanded lieing next to her and kissing her forehead,and as she lied there snuggled in his chest she realized she'd experienced the one night stand.

      The next morning Rebecca rose early she showered and put on the clothes from yesterday. As she was about to leave she had a sudden impulse. She dropped a piece of paper with her name and number in the pocket of Jace's blazer. She'd let fate decide. She blew him a kiss and left the room.


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