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"Let me go!" The girl screamed as she thrashed around in the chains. The man, she could tell he was on the other side of the room, only laughed.

"That's what they've all said." He started, crossing the room, looming over the table she was strapped to. "And they all left eventually. You will too."

The girl, Heather, stared up at her kidnapper, eyes full of determination. She struggled against the straps that were holding her down, but her gaze never faltered. A part of her knew her fate and that the worse was probably to come, but she needed to focus on the positive. She glared at her captor, but kept telling herself she'd get out alive.

She had to hold onto the hope. It was the only way she'd survive.


"What do we know about the girl who went missing?" Tim asked, standing in the front of the conference room.

"Heather Mitchell, 22, blonde, stay at home mom, married her high school boyfriend two years ago." Sami filled him in, earning confused glances. "Her husband is in the next room?"

"Let me talk to him. You all would intimidate him with burning questions." Rob suggested, looking to Tim who nodded in agreement.

"Focus on where she was, what her routine is, and get something that can link her to any of the other girls." Tim said before waving Rob off.

Once the other man was out of the room, he turned to the rest of the team. For the first time in a while, they had no idea where to go next for the case. There were no leads, no bodies, and no ransoms from the Unsub.

They barely had a profile!

"Foust, she has a child. What if we used that to our advantage?" Sami asked as she looked up at their Unit Chief.

"You're onto something." Tim said, holding up his finger. He quickly took out his phone, calling Kelsey.

"Speak and be heard, boss man." Kelsey's voice rang through the phone.

"Kelsey, did any of the other women have any children?" Tim asked, his face and voice suddenly serious. Sami tilted her head in confusion as she listened.

Typing could be heard on the other end of the phone. Kelsey sighed, causing the other two agents to frown. Just when they thought something could go right!

"I'm sorry, Tim. Only Heather has a child. A two year old son named," Kelsey paused for a moment as she did some more clicking. "Xander."

Tim sighed, telling Kelsey to hold on a moment as he checked over some of the files again. Just as he was about to thank Kelsey and hang up, Austin rushed into the room.

"What is it, Brown?" Tim asked, setting his phone down.

"Heather has a child. If he hasn't taken a mother before, why would he now? It doesn't add up!" Austin exclaimed as he crossed the room to look at the evidence board.

"Spit it out genius. What am I looking for?" Kelsey wondered, her hand ready at her keyboard.

"The first victims, see if any of them were pregnant and had a miscarriage, and look for closed adoptions with the DNA of our victims. He's going after mothers." Austin explained, turning back to Tim and Sami.

"I see where you're going with this, Red. I'll get back to you soon!" Kelsey said, typing on her keyboard as she hung up the phone.

Now it was just a waiting game. Adam put on some coffee, sighing. That was the worst part about their job. The waiting. Anything could happen during that time, good or bad. Another body could show up, the killer could be caught, could turn himself in, anything.

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