Chapter Three - Fantasy and Hilarity

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Amanda yawned as she pushed open the door to the youth hostel's small gym. Her hand half covered her mouth until her arms extended into a mighty stretch. The room was as she had expected it would be with a couple of exercise bikes and treadmills, a couple of multi gyms and a collection of dumbbells. It also had what she was after, a matted area with floor to ceiling mirrors. The place was deserted and Amanda walked over to the mats and slipped off her shoes. Another wide armed yawn and she sat down on the mat and started her yoga routine. As always she moved her flexible legs so she was sitting in the lotus position and closed her eyes. Her mind's eye returned to the obelisk and Hannah's fall and Hannah's knickers.

A sound protruded on her thoughts and she opened a single eye, hoping the meditative spirits would not notice if it was just the one. Reflected in the mirror she saw some boys come in and Amanda was immediately the center of attention and her "Hey" was met with a peel of "Hey" and"Ya alrights?" all delivered in accents really to posh to carry them off convincingly. Amanda closed her eyes again and listened as the boys slowly passed her and the sounds of the exercise machinery began to fill the small room.

That's enough lotus ordered Amanda's inner guru and she unfolded her legs and glided into the cat position and slowly transitioned to the cobra. As she worked her way through her routine she noticed that the boys kept glancing over at her, for a moment she wondered if her clothes were too revealing. As usual she was wearing an old pair of shorts and a crop-top vest with a sports bra underneath, so she was all covered up. Amanda had not been considered pretty growing up and as her features had gradually grown striking and her limbs grown long and graceful an awareness of her new attractiveness had not yet emerged.It meant that she concluded that the boys must have not seen much yoga and therefore did not worry about going into the karnapitasanato finish her routine. She rolled back onto her shoulders the back of her her head resting on the floor and her long legs drooping down so the the shins and front of her feet were touching the floor.

While Amanda was not aware of her appeal to men, the boys in the gym were feeling the full force of her appeal. There was a sudden silence as the boys forgot the camouflage of working out and stared at the fantasy made real that was in-front of them. All too soon for them Amanda straightened her legs with her feet pointing to the ceiling she then rolled forward and came up on to her feet. As she turned her teenage audience remembered there conceit and started to exercise again.Amanda looked at the two treadmills and asked their users "Hey do you mind if I grab one of those when you're done?". One boy gulped the other replied "Yeah sure, you want it now". Amanda replied"No, just when you're done I've got a bit more to do guys mind if I turn the radio on?" There was a general murmur of assent as Amanda walked over to an old ghetto-blaster that was fixed to the wall. There were some old tapes and a quick flick through revealed a suitable one. Walking back to the mat area, a disco beat thrumming through the room Amanda started to dance and the boys jaws started to drop.

Nine o'clock came and the Luna Nova pupils congregated around the coach. The students of Prestick School were coming out to their coach. After the missed opportunity the night before the boys and girls took the oppourtunity to size each other up resulting in both groups being vibrant with chatter. Both bus drivers came out of the youth hostel chatting and made there way to their respective vehicles. Professor Finnelan was looking round, Amanda's height and hair made her standout amongst the other girls and so her absence was easy to spot. She called to Diana who came over "Diana, do you know where Amanda O'Neill is", Diana looked around briefly to confirm for herself that she was not there "No Professor, I've not seen her this morning". Professor Ursula was standing next to them and exclaimed"There she is" as Amanda bounded out of the hostel a slice of toast in her mouth, jacket half on and back pack in her hand. Knowing she was late she thought it best to look like she was making an effort, but not enough to look like she was trying too hard and came over at a jog. Both groups turned to look at her for very different reasons. Never one to object to attention she slowed to a walk and passed by the group of boys from the gym and said "Hey, catch you later". The boys grabbed their moment in the spot light and a chorus of "Hi Amanda" and "Hey Amanda" rang out. She acknowledged the greeting, before wincing at the sound of Professor Finnelan "Amanda O'Neill will you come along". The boys of Prestick asked their class mates how they had suddenly become friends with the hot rebel. Amanda joined the girls and was met with a mix of admiration and jealousy. From the midst of the crowd Hannah watched as Amanda was upsetting the natural order that her, Barbara and Diana should be the center of attention for the boys.

The trip that day was to an old and widely spaced stone circle. It had been known since time immemorial as The Seven Grey Girls. Unlike the Rowhorn Caves, it was situated on private land and generally only witches were allowed to visit it, although it had become much less restricted in recent times. Nevertheless Luna Nova had it to themselves today. They were met by a local witch who was an expert and would give them a guided tour of the site.

Diana and the witch knew each other through family ties and so Diana spent much of the visit with her. Diana's absence meant Hannah and Barbara were at a loose end, which spelled trouble for someone. At the third stone Hannah and Barbara found themselves not far from Amanda and her gang and so on the walk to the next stone they came along side and opened with their first salvo. "Amanda, I couldn't quite hear these are the Seven Gay Girls, right?", Barbara tagged-in "Yeah we thought you'd know". Amanda tried to ignore them, a tactic that failed to have the desired effect as Hannah continued "Maybe you could join them...become the eighth gay girl". Amanda made a "tch" and tossed her head back and Hannah continued "Don't get upset Amanda we respect your lifestyle choice, I mean it is the only style you've got". Akko had had enough "Leave her alone, you're lucky she doesn't give you good licking". Hannah and Barbara started to stifle a giggle, as did the other girls walking with them. Akko looked around bemused about what she had said that was so funny. Sucy snickered "Interesting choice of words Akko", Akko looked up to the clear sky and thought hard until a little laugh showed that she had understood "My dad used to watch cowboy films, they used to stay that in them.". Akko had unintentionally taken the heat out of the situation and the group walked on in better spirits.

The witches arrived at the fourth stone and formed around the tour guide. Hannah and Barbara had moved away from Amanda and Akko's posse and were standing near the front. The tour guide was rather posh and had a liking for asking questions and luckily Diana was there to answer them all so far."This is the fourth stone known as Pan's Mistress. Now I'm sure you're all old enough that your teacher won't object to the unsanitised history of this stone. Now before we continue we need to all know what a Bacchanalian orgy is, so who can tell me?" Diana blushed hot red as she felt all eyes turn to her, she quickly turned it over in her mind until she formulated a suitably straight-laced response and raised her hand. "I can't always ask you Diana, let's go to someone else" Her eyes scanned the panicking faces in front of her until they came to rest on Hannah "You there, the pretty girl with the red hair, what's your answer". Hannah opened her mouth as she felt the warmth emanating from her cheeks. Something compelled her to look to her right and she saw Amanda looking at her with her clenched fist covering her massive grin as she attempted to hold off a wave of laughter. Hannah turned back to face the tormenting tour guide and resolved to not let Amanda get the better of her "They were, err, parties, where err, there'd be drinking and other, err things, err" unable to let her friend face the peril any longer Diana stepped in "Yes Hannah, I agree they were quasi-religious gatherings that served to satisfy various physical desires through a variety of stimuli". The tour guide pondered a moment and said "Well that's one way to describe them girls, I'd have said sex and drink parties" as the tour guide continued with the history of the stone, Hannah could not resist looking over to the tall figure of Amanda who raised a thumb and gave her a big wink.

After the lecture about the fourth stone finished Hannah and Barbara dropped back so that they would be out of the way of questions. It appeared as if most of the other girls had the same idea as Finnalan gave a chastising"Don't dawdle girls". Amanda made her way over to Hannah approaching from the rear to surprise her "Hey Hannah, looks like Diana isn't the only genius in the class. I gotta remember to write 'err things, err' if this comes up in a test". Hannah turned and snapped "Get lost you lanky lesbo", Amanda's mouth curled into a grin "Easy tiger". Hannah shot back "You'd know all about orgies wouldn't you, something put a smile on those boys faces this morning" Amanda laughed "Ah, you're getting desperate now, I don't even like..." Amanda stopped like a rabbit avoiding a swooping hawk and attempted to go in a new direction " boys like that". Hannah looked at Amanda her stare bearing down on Amanda like a heavy weight. Hannah spoke slowly and deliberately "Don't even mean. It's OK Amanda no-one will worry if you've been secretly perving on all of us." Amanda recovered as best she could "You're just jealous", "of you?"Hannah reply was cold and calculated "You've got nothing I want, believe me". With that Hannah and Barbara moved away and Amanda re-joined her friends. The battle lines had been clearly drawn.

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