Chapter 33

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~Jayden pov

Last night after our date we left to LA. My mom gave me my phone back before I left but Jordan has it right now. I'm currently at Annie's villa. Laying on top of her while she's sleeping. I don't know what time it is. I'm so attached to her🥺. I love her. I won't ever do her wrong again. She's all mines I'm all hers forever🤍.

2 hours later...

Annie's up now and we're just laying in bed again after getting ready. I'm wearing this oversized shirt. It's Zane's😂. With basketball shorts on and black socks. My wet hair is in a messy bun. Annie's laying next to me wearing a crop top shirt without a bra and black spandex. Her wet hair is down. She's wearing white socks. She got on my lap looking at her phone.

"what do you wanna eat?" She asked me then turned off her phone and put it aside.

"chick fil a" i said

"you need to eat something else other than chick fil a" she said

"i want chick fil a tho it's good" I said. She just stared at me with a smile but her bottom lip was poked out a little. She played with my lips. I puckered my lips for a kiss and she kissed me then kissed me again. We started making out. After 20 seconds I grabbed her throat moving lips off of mine.

"i love you. i love you. i love you. who loves you?" i asked her

"daddy loves me" she said

"i love you a lot. How much do I love you?" I asked her

"you love me a lot" she said

"you're all mines you know that?" I asked her

"yes daddy" she said

"I'm all yours nobody can have me only you, you know that?" I asked her

"yes baby" she said. I brought her face back to mine and we kissed again. We broke the kissed.

"if i ever give you a hard time just grab me and tell me how it is. I have anger issues." I said to her

"okay" she said softly

"you love me?🥺" I asked her softly while doing the puppy lip.

"yessss i love you😩🤍" she whined then kissed me again. We started making out. Until her phone dinged. She stopped kissing me and grabbed her phone.

~annie pov

I'm looking at my phone right now my manager told me that we have a meeting today and after we have the rest of the day off but we have a late night session at 10. I felt Jayden place her hands on my thighs and I got scared for a second and looked at her. It just brought back memories with...avani. Jayden was biting her lip just staring at my pussy so I blushed and I started getting that heartbeat there and I got a little hot😊😂. I looked at my phone and looked at Instagram my explore page was full of avani's live last night and videos of us together. I looked at a video clip of her live. She said why'd you and Annie break up? Because..she was never over Jayden...I was dumb for being with her when she was clearly not over her so I got my own heart broken...I still love her very much and all I can do is be happy for her and be here for her. I feel so bad now😔. Jayden heard me playing her live. I looked at her and she looked unbothered. I have to tell avani sorry I'm gonna see her today anyways. I turned off my phone. I sighed. Jayden started feeling on my coochie and I know she felt the heartbeat so she started smiling😂.

"damn someone's horny for me" she said to me while feeling and smiling. I blushed.

"baby can we get food😊?" I asked her while blushing.

Close Friends?🥰 ~jaynnie Where stories live. Discover now