Fuck You

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You know what?

Fuck you!

Fuck your face

for burning itself onto my eyelids

and making me dream of you long after you said goodbye.

Fuck your flashy-ass car

that electric shade of blue that pulls my heart out

through my shirt every time it flashes past the corner of my eye.

Fuck your fucking house

that I still drive to when I put myself on autopilot

because it was the closest thing I’ve had to home in years.

Fuck your honesty and kindness

integrity and all that other prince charming bullshit

that made me fall for you, we all know I’m no goddamn princess.

Fuck you for reminding me how to love

just before making it crystal fucking clear you didn't.

Fuck the ghosts of you that haunt me

everywhere I fucking go.

Fuck you for being wonderful!

Fuck you for making me miss you!

Fuck you for making it fucking impossible

for me to hate you!


fuck you.

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