Chapter 5

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          Midoriya and Uraraka were headed into the building. Iida was attempting to come up with a plan, but Bakugo had ditched him. Iida got into the role of being a villain....sort of.

          Bakugo went straight for Midoriya. Uraraka ran off to go against Iida.

          "I hate to say it, but Bakugo would make a great villain." you said.

          "I agree. That boy needs some self control." agreed Recovery Girl, "if he gives that poor Izuku more injuries, I'm afraid he'll have a thing comin' for him."

          "Young Bakugo's pride is what drives him to be a hero. He just needs to get that temper of his under control and not be so full of himself. However, his quirk is extremely powerful." replied All Might.

          Midoriya was running from Bakugo. You could tell by the look on Midoriya's face that he was coming up with a plan.

          "Midoriya is a smart kid. I'm sure he'll figure something out."

          You continued to watch. Midoriya had memorized Bakugo's movements, using them against him. As Bakugo swung for a punch, Midoriya grabbed his arm and pulled. He came so close to getting the capture tape his rival. But Bakugo was quick.

          By then, Midoriya's costume had been partially burned off, half of his face exposed. Uraraka had reached Iida, but had blown her cover when she had laughed at Iida for his acting.

          Iida had been prepared. He had cleared anything moveable out of the room so that she had nothing to levitate.

          As you watched everything go down, you realized you were getting thirsty.

          "I'll be back. Imma get a drink. You guys want anything?" you asked.

          "I could go for a soda right about now." said Denki Kaminari who was standing not that far from you.

          "I was asking All Might and Recovery Girl. Not you guys. Sorry." you replied, shrugging.

          "Aw, okay." pouted Kaminari.

          All Might chuckled, "Well, if you don't mind, a coffee sounds nice."

          "Sure thing! And Recovery Girl?"

          "Oh, nothing for me, dear. Thank you." the elderly women answered.

          "Alright. I'll be back!"

          You headed out of the building.

All Might's POV

          Minutes went by as I focused on the match. Bakugo was getting close to out of hand. He was yelling something about "Deku" hiding his quirk from him for years. I knew the truth though. I had passed my power down to young Midoriya. Midoriya was basically telling "Kacchan" to calm down.

          Bakugo then began to talk about his grenade gauntlets. He explained how they collected his sweat and built it up so he could launch an extremely large blast.

          And he gave a demonstration.

          Everything shook violently. The building was damaged. Midoriya was quick to take cover, but was still effected.


          "Ah, don't worry. It wasn't enough to kill him." came young Bakugo's voice through the earpiece.

          Midoriya was communicating to Uraraka. He had come up with a plan. He began to avoid "Kacchan" for a bit, in an attempt to stall for time. After maybe 10 minutes, he turned back around to face his rival. They began a match of instigation.

          Before I knew it, they were charging towards each other. They had their powers ready to go at full capacity. I watched, waiting to see what would happen.

          "WHAT THE HELL?!" yelled a voice from behind me. I heard something get crushed and spilled and a bag of what sounded like cans fall. I turned and saw (Y/N), a look of angry shock on her face.



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