The sleepover of horror...

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'"It's going to be alright; we will get out of here and run! They wont get us" The blood stains covered the walls, looking like a three year old had carelessly painted the walls with red paint. The abandoned hospital looked as if someone had gone around throwing everything off of the shelves causing them to smash on the way down.'

I was sitting at the back of the classroom watching Mrs Blacks lips move around totally ignoring the words that blabbered out of her extraordinarily loud mouth. She stood there exposing her extremely hairy legs. The clock was ticking, tick tock, the clock went on. Five minutes had passed and the bell had rung. I grabbed my bag and jumped out of my navy blue seat running to my best friends: Cole, Jasmine, Leondre, Charlie and Abigail. The sky was really cloudy and I had this horrible sensation that we would have a thunder storm.

It was Friday and everyone was coming over to mine to have a sleepover, the plan was to stay out late so my parents weren't expecting us until approximately half six.

I began running over to the guys who were standing there waiting for me to arrive; everyone was pushing through the school gates making it hard to reach them. I couldn't really see very much until I saw the sparkle in Leondre's eyes, even though there was no sunlight the reflection lit up the whole street. We all knew Leondre had the most beautiful eyes and always knew where he was because of the glamorous sparkle they gave off. I knew they must have been standing over there so I ran over to them squeezing through the crowd of students who were walking the exact opposite way to me.

We decided to walk past the old estate and go through the forest, before the old hospital was closed because of some apparent attack or something happening to it. Before it got closed down our parents would always take us there and we would meet up and go climbing trees- which were what we were going to do now.

We slowly approached the entrance of the forest and honestly I think we were all getting goose bumps flying down our spines, arms and legs. We all starred at each other like we had seen a ghost and took steps that weren't even ten centimetres apart.

The sound of thunder came from behind us and small drops of rain started trickling down our noses, the musky scent of wet bark invaded our nostrils. The trees were staring to sway to the left then to the right bending to the extreme point. The wind was picking up and the lightening was getting more violent. The thunder was roaring so loud the low pitch was practically deafening.

As the trees continued swaying, two trees swayed opposite directions and we saw a building, a building that looked dull and abandoned. The car park outside was empty apart from three cars which sat there crushed.

The windows were all cracked and some were even smashed, the door wasn't even on its hinges, it just lye there on the floor. We stood there starring at the building drenched just as if we had jumped into a pool. We looked at each other then the building slowly lifting our heads to the top where a sign slightly tilted read 'General Hospital and A&E' and slowly dropped our heads turning to face each other. Our hearts were pumping to the point where they all could power racing cars.

Trembling, I juddered out the sentence, "i-i-it's the, the hospital"

For a minute I thought my heart had stopped beating, and then I realised I was still alive- come to think about it I now wish it had stopped there and then...

We stood there petrified when we suddenly heard an ear-piercing scream!

Our legs started shaking and our lips started moving up and down that fast they just looked like a big blur. I turned to face Jasmine and faced her and started miming "what's happening?" she shook her head directing she was as scarred and confused as I was. We both turned to face the hospital synchronising every move. Charlie and Leondre moved a few steps back and we all followed, frightened we stared at each other as we heard something smash, it wasn't far at all, in fact the smash sounded like it was in front of us. As we turned to face the hospital, once again, segments of glass came falling down from the top of the building, shattered segments of glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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