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Where everything changes between us?

POV Author

It was a day before the big conference two surgeons were going to give the lecture one of them was very famous surgeon. Taehyung was so busy he didn't even ask who they were Dr. Jeon had him goin all around double checking everything.

The day of the event it was very busy. All the Chiefs of staff were there starting with Dr. Park in charge of the Trauma Surgery Dr. Parks who is in charge of Fetal Surgery. Dr.Lee Min-ho neurosurgery and last Dr.Teo is the Cardiothoracic Surgeon. All the Chief of residents were going to be there.Dr.jung Dr.Kim Dr Choi Dr.Jeon.

POV Taehyung

Since Mark and I were in Dr. Jeons class and Park was in Dr.Jung and Minjae was in Dr.Kim we were all there waiting to see who the speaker was going to be. The President of the school was presenting them as they approached the podium everybody was surprise and happy to see but it was none other than Dr. Park Sung Woong and be his side was Dr. Song Joon Ki. I felt happy confused and thrill.

Dr. Sung is the General Surgeon of Trauma of the South Korea he had work with high Generals and even Presidents but he had all so save my life twice before I was even 1 yrs of age second time when I was 12 yrs of age I also new Dr. Song family friend. They were the reason why I decided to be a Doctor.

The lecture went on it was amazing hearing them reminded me why I want to save people's lives. After they were done I wanted to say hi as I walk near to where they were surrounded by all the doctors  asking them so many questions everyone  wanting to know more. I smile and approach trying to get as closer as I could but Dr. Park was in the way but out of nowhere heard someone call me Taetae I smile I ran to Dr. Song embrace letting him engulf me as all the Doctors turn looking at me Taebear son every one staring at me but there was a pair of piercing eyes staring at me and it was no other than Dr.Jeon his piercing glare was sending chills all over my body. As I turn trying not to let his glare bothering me I could still feel it upon my back everybody was surprised no more than Dr.Jeon.

Dr.Song came near me asking me about me going to this school about my parents. He asked me who my teacher was and I told him it was Dr.Jeon, Chief of staff was Dr.park approached us Dr Jeon was looking at us Dr.Park wasn't suprise  he new who I was because of my cousin and he aiso new I was Kim Namjoon son Namjoon was well known and respected military general. Doctor Song smile at them and said see this boy take care of him he is special he has a bright future I didn't save his life twice for him not to do great things.

POV Jungkook

Was surprise at what his idol said it echo in his mind. The next day I approached him Mr. Kim can I talk to you he call me he fallow me as I sat on my desk I call him by his name Taehyung he look at me  he answer me with yes Dr.Jeon he look a little scared .Do you have any idea why I put so much responsibility on you he look at me lost he didn't answer me just look down at his feet because since the first day  I met you I knew you were different from any one I met before please don't think I hate you I admire you. Since that the day everything change between them .

Jungkook was the same in class and in the clinic but they started having lunch together which was how he  got to know about who Tae parents where how one of his parents was the owner of the bakery that he always went to buy coffee and pastries and about his other parent who was in the military was recognize general. He was amazed he loved all the pastries that Tae would bring him every morning and loved all of the creations that Tae made he was amazed at how good of a cook  bakerTae was.

POV No one

In the coming week their was a new Dr. Coming to replace the Cardiologist they didn't know who he was but he was related to someone in the board and his name was Park bogum.

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