【Chapter Two: High and Mighty】

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Matthew ^^^

The royals ... The high and mighty and so happens to be all werewolves. Word has it that the Prince is looking for his mate. Going from pack to pack to try and find him or her. Apparently, they have looked at our pack already, but Alpha sent me to the store. Looks like he is going to our school to learn ... and mostly likely to find his special someone. All the sluts of the school are already going after him and of course all the jocks want to be his friend ... including Justin's bully's. He sighed and said goodbye to Amy who left to go to her class. Justin thinks she is in year two.

As Justin was thinking in his head, a smell took over him. Cinnamon and chocolate filled Justin's noise making Alex go crazy. Howling and whining in Justin's head to find his ... mate. Hearing that word filled Justin with joy but also with fear. Fear of rejection from his mate. The smell grew stronger which made Justin's eyes raise from the ground, to the direction of the royals again. Justin's eyes landed on a particular person though.

>Mate! Go to him Justin!! <

When Justin looked at the direction of the smell, the door of the limo open ... no slammed opened and in almost a blink of an eye, the prince himself stood there. He was handsome ... very handsome. Justin could see why the girls are all over him ... but what was confusing was that, Matthew wasn't paying attention to them at all. Matthew looked distracted ... like he was trying to find someone. Justin studied Matthews features ... but as their gaze met. Justin's breathed hitched in his throat. That strong feeling ... of wanting to be with whoever that smell was connected to was with... the prince himself.

Justin watched as a smirk appeared on the prince's devilishly handsome face before he started to walk towards Justin. Justin bit his lip as he took a step back. His heart racing as he looked around to see everyone looking at him. He hated it which made him do a stupid decision. He ran ... as quickly as he could he ran through the halls at the school, trying to find a place to hide. Hearing Matthew call out for people to stop him. Dodging through people as he knew Matthew could smell him, so he had to find a place to hide that would cover his scent. He saw the art room and smiled. The paint would be to strong and would cover his tracks. Justin quickly ran into that room. Hiding in the paint closet.

Justin panted as he to calm his breath, he couldn't believe what was happening. What if Matthew rejects him now ... because he ran away. He was probably going to reject him anyway ... for being a mutt. Fuck ... he was going to be forever alone. Everything his pack said was right. He will be alone ... forever.

>why did your run away? ...<, his wolf whimpered, wanting to be with his mate.

>I don't know ... I panicked<, Justin whispered towards Alex as he was just scared that he would be rejected and didn't like the attention.

Justin was pulled out of his thoughts with Alex when the bell rung meaning he had to get to class. He got up and poked his head out the classroom to make sure no one was there before running down to his locker. He grabbed his books and went to his first-class, English. He sat down at the back like always and grabbed everything he needed to take notes. Once everyone was in the teacher started to speak

"Alright class. We have a new student ... please welcome Matthew."

Justin looked up to see Matthew staring at him making him bite his lip and look back down at his books quickly. The teacher told him to sit down and Matthew started to make his way over to Justin. Sitting down in the chair next to him made Justin go completely quiet. Too scared to talk due to how high Matthew is as an Alpha and a Royal on top of that. Listening to the teacher as he made notes silently, feeling his mates' eyes on him. Justin let out a tiny squeak as he felt Matthews warm breath on his neck which made him tense up.

"why did you run away from me pup?"

He hummed with a smooth voice that made Justin blush and shiver. Justin tried to regain himself as he shook slight. Trying to find the words to speak while keeping his gaze low.

"I-I ... "

Justin didn't know how to respond as he couldn't think straight. He looked at the clock to see he had half an hour left making him whimper. Having to be stuck with his mate that surly didn't want him.

"are you scared of me pup?"

He heard making Justin glance up at Matthew. Shaking his head, no, he didn't know why he ran away or was shaking. Matthew was just big and intimidating to Justin.

"I-I was scared .... Of getting rejected ..."

He saw Matthew's eyes change from Grey to yellow then back to grey meaning his wolf was trying to come out which did scare Justin slightly. Markus's wolf, Damien was terrifying and wasn't afraid to hurt Justin seriously.

"I would never reject my mate ..."

He said in more of a serious tone making Justin nod and look at the ground, not wanting to anger Matthew. It was quiet for a long time as Justin just listened to the teacher until the bell rung making him pack up as quickly as he could, so he could hurry up and get to Math. Justin stood up but a grip on his arm stopped him. He whimpered as he had memories of his pack abusing him. Justin watched as everyone left before them. After everyone was gone. His arm was tugged making him follow Matthew, who lead him to the back of the school.

"W-we should be going to class..."

Justin whimpers as he has never skipped a class ... he was to scared to. If Alpha heard anything bad from the school that Justin might have been the cause of ... he would be beaten for it. Matthew just shook his head.

"it's fine ... I'll tell them you're with me..."

Justin just nods and scratched his elbow. Looking up at Matthew when his arm was let go off. They stared at each other for a while before Matthew did something that Justin wasn't expecting. Matthew ... kissed him ....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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