First meet of spartace is a on restaurant. KJK meet jihyo & ask jihyo..
Kjk:do you like me
Jihyo :yes, of course oppa.. I am like you.. Oppa, where other runningman members.. Kjk say other member leave both of us at this restaurant..
Spartace :First Meet ❤️
FanfictionHello, this is my 3rd fanfic for spartace.. I hope all of you like it.. Have fun. Characters : Kimjongkook as a kjk Songjihyo as a jihyo Yoojaesuk as a yoohyuk Songjoongki as joongki Kanggary as a Gary hyung Jeeseokjin as a sukjin hyung/ajussi Haha...
Spartace :First Meet
First meet of spartace is a on restaurant. KJK meet jihyo & ask jihyo..
Kjk:do you like me
Jihyo :yes, of course oppa.. I am like you.. Oppa, where other runningman members.. Kjk say other member leave both of us at this restaurant..