Chapter 20

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Sorry for the delay of this chapter guys. Major case of writers block and I've been dealing with Mid-Terms, but all is well!
Fionna's P.O.V

I woke up and stretched my arms. Wow, I hadn't felt this refreshed in quite some time. Can't remember why though. I shrug and look at the sleeping lump beside me.

He was snoring softly, laying his head on one of his arms, and the other around my waist. I let out a slight giggle, which causes him to stir awake.

"Why good morning my Marshy-mellow." I say laying down across his stomach. He groans at the nickname and rolls over, causing me to fall off the bed.

I pout for a second before I look at the clock. Eh, its only 7:30-WAIT 7:30?! It's Tuesday! It's a school day! Oh man, oh glob!

"Marsh get up!" I say hitting him. He groans and pulls the blanket up to his neck.

"Go away, I partied with the party gods last night." he says pulling the covers up more.

"You big noob, we went to sleep last night after we got home from school. I don't who you've been partying with, but it sure wasn't party gods! Now get up!" I say, shaking him, hitting him, and pushing him back and forth.

"Fionna, there is no way in hell I am leaving this bed. I'm dropping out of school to become a hobo." he grunts and pulls the blanket over his head.

I stand up and put a hand on my hip. The clock read 7:35.

I sigh.

I waisted five precious minutes of my time trying to make this fool get up. Well, school doesn't start until 8:45. I still have enough time to take a shower-

I put on a devious smile and turned to get a towel from the hallway. Once I got back I let out a dramatic sigh.

"Oh well, I guess I'll take a shower. But the shower will be quite lonely with out a shower buddy." I finish and smile deviously as I watch my magic work.

Sure enough he springs out of the bed and heads to the hallway for another towel. He then rushes back in and pushes me into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.
I stand in front of the mirror brushing my damp hair while Marshall puts on a shirt behind me. After I am done brushing, Put my hair in a high pony-tail.

I feel arms wrap around my waist ,and I turn seeing Marshall giving me a sly but loving grin.

"Let's skip today." He said purring in my ear. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"And why?" I huff

"Cause I don't wanna go. Plus I can talk it over with the big man, it's not like he'll care." He shrugged.

I huffed again. I didn't want to go to algebra today anyway. "Fine, what you wanna do?"

"Oh my dear, there are many,many, many things I would like to do to you, in particular, but I was thinking the lake." He said.

I blushed as he was explaining, then I realized what he said. "Nope, no lake." I say shaking my head.

He loosens his grip on me and looks at me crazily. "Why not?"

I turned away and blushed, mumbling my response.


I mumbled it again.

"I can't understand you."

"I can't swim, okay!?"

He was quiet at first, and then broke into a fit of laughter, letting go of me to clutch his stomach.

"Oh my glob! Ah-haha~ You are the mighty adventuress who fought along side the legendary Billy, defeated the Lich, and even fought a bear! And the only thing you can't do is swim!? Oh glob! Ah-hahaha~" he laughed.

I raised an eyebrow and put on my grass sword bracelet. I let the sword unsheathe and crossed my arms giving him the death stare.

He stopped and cleared his throat. "Um, well, I could teach you. I even know a perfect place to do it." He said

I gave him a skeptical look but all he did to reassure me was plant a stupid grin on his face and give me two thumbs up while winking repeatedly.

I let out a sigh. "Okay, okay fine. Where?"

Keeping the stupid look on his face he said "It's a supwise" I couldn't help but laugh.

He came behind me and hugged me, laughing along."Y'know if I can make you laugh at 7:56 on a Tuesday morning, my day has been made."

I look at him lovingly and kiss him on the cheek. "You're so sweet, but get out so I can change."

He lets go and grumbles to himself, "I've already seen you, gogdamnit."

"I heard that Marshall!" I yell as he gets his bag and closes the door.

"You were meant to Fionna!" He yells back from down latter.

I smile to myself and get out my bikini. I put it on and inspect myself in the mirror. I always liked this one because of the color. The dark blue-green and the bottom of the breast pieces slowly rose to be a beautiful sea foam color. Same for the bottoms. Then on the left breast piece there was cartoon bunny made of rhinestones, not the Playboy logo you dirty people.

I sigh and put on some shorts and a t-shirt over my swimsuit. I then get a towel and put my black BOBs on. I go down the latter to find Marshall with his hands on his hips. He was dressed as a lifeguard, complete with the sunscreen on the nose to the wife beater and speedo.

I couldn't help but laugh, "Marshall, what the junk?!" I asked, still laughing.

"This is my swim teaching outfit Fionna. I mean all business." he said seriously as he started doing squats. I laughed even harder.

I finally calmed down and wiped the tears away from my eyes. "Okay go change, I don't want you dressed like that in public." I giggled

He laughed a bit and excused himself to change into camo swim trunks. When he came back he had the trunks on but no shirt, so I had a perfect look of his toned chest and abs. It took a moment for me to tear my gaze away from his slight 'Happy Trail' but I made due.

Okay when we....y'know, it's almost always at night so I never actually pay attention. And yeah he's had his shirt off several times but.....yeah I have no excuse. I love Happy Trails.

He grabs his umbrella and opens the door for me. I thank him and step out, he follows behind and shuts the door.

"Okay so I need you to cover your eyes." He said once we stop at a big cave. It looks oddly familiar but I don't know how.

I huffed and squeezed my eyes shut putting a hand over them. He grabbed my free hand and led me into the opening. "No peeking" he said

"I'm not, and where are you taking me anyway." I say

He chuckled, "Well if I told you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it?"

He stopped pulling me and let go of my hand. "Okay you can look now."

I drop my hand and gasp. There were crystals everywhere with one light source in the very top of the cave, but it seemed to illuminate the entire room. The lush green moss and grass that covered the ground was still thriving. And the once pond was now a small sized lake, still crystal clear enough to see the green grass and jewel bits at the bottom.

It was the cave he took me to the first day we met.



Short and sucky I know. And this is way past due, I also know. But I had to finish Mid-terms then go everywhere for the holidays most of which the places had no wifi. So yeah. The next chapter will be way longer.

No guarantee on when I'll update seeing as school starts again on Tuesday but hey! I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Until next chappy!


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