Chapter 8

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"Okay", you agreed crossing your arms in front of your chest, "so?" He stood upright and bowed low. "I'm truly sorry for spilling coffee over your blouse twice", he said and added, "and I will replace both." "Very well acted but I don't believe you", you said laughing and shook your head. He took two steps towards you, sneaked his arms around your waist and pulled you into a deep kiss. "I'm really not sorry", he whispered against your lips, "because if I hadn't done it we wouldn't have met each other." You bit your lower lip to contain your smile and nodded. "So, I'll pick you up at 8pm tonight", he said in a deep voice pecking your lips once more and then left. "Okay", you whispered breathless as he had already shut the door.
You stood in front of your wardrobe tearing your hair because you really didn't know what you should wear. You wanted to wear something pretty but not too overdressed. You ran your hand over the tiles when a dress slipped off the hanger. It was a knee-length dress which outlined your body and had a nice V-neck. You tried it on and put your hair into a high bun. You finished your look with a few touches of make up and smiled satisfied. Right in that moment you saw the lights of a car pulling up through your window. You grabbed your clutch and rushed outside. You hopped in and he started driving. "Hey", he said throwing a short glance at you licking his bottom lip, "you look amazing." "Thank you", you said, your cheeks flushing a little, "so where are we going?" "Surprise", he said sheepishly. After a ride of five minutes you arrived at a chick restaurant. He got out of the car and you checked him secretly out as he walked around the car. He looked so handsome in his black suit with his hair slightly ruffled. He opened your door and offered you his arm. You accepted it happily and he guided you inside. The restaurant was really fancy and it seemed quite expensive. You sat down at a table in the back and started talking telling each other a few stories about yourselves. Everything went quite well, except the expensive wine he had ordered. You drank a lot and felt how you slowly got tipsy. You excused yourself to the toilet to get yourself back together. "Focus, y/n. You can do it", you talked to yourself in front of the mirror giggling at your own reflection. It was hopeless. You went back to him and sat down. He took a closer look at you and chuckled. "I paid when you were gone so we can leave if you want", he suggested. You rested your chin on your hand and admired him obviously. "What a gentleman", you said and he laughed getting up. You got up too and he put an arm around your waist to support you. "I can walk myself", you said brushing his arm off. "As you say", he said following you. You got into the car and he started the engine. "What's your address again?", he asked while driving. "It's -", you thought for a while but you really didn't remember, "I don't know." He chuckled shaking his head and decided to drive to his house. You didn't really care because you were busy fixing your lipstick. Only when you entered his house you noticed what was going on. "Hey, this is not my apartment", you said looking around, "this is your house." "Yeah", he said watching you. "I feel comfortable at your home", you muttered, "but there's the personal note missing. Maybe you should put a picture of me over there." "Good idea", he said chuckling and put off his jacket. "Wow, it's getting really hot in here", you said fanning air to yourself, "are you trying to seduce me?" You stood in front of him biting your lip and ran your hand over his torso. Suddenly you felt your back pressed against the next wall, his right hand next to your head trapping you, the other one on your waist. "I think you're trying to seduce me", he growled and smashed his lips on yours.

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