Chapter 1

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*Your POV*

I'm currently in algebra. Last class of the day, listening to my teacher, Mr. Owens, rant on about how horrible the majority of grades on a recent tests were.

"F, F, F, !" He slams each persons paper on their desk while yelling which is causing him to spit all over the place and turn red. "Pitiful" He adds and continues doing so, until he comes up to my desk

"Well done Ms.Y/L/N. As always." He turns to everyone else with a face of disgust when he says that last part, which causes me to put my face down in my hands avoiding the usual glares I receive.

I keep it down until I notice Mr. Owens stop upon a certain brunette who I'm quite fond of.

"And lastly Ms. Cabello." He releases a loud and somewhat depressing sigh. "I expected more from you." I look to the beautiful brunette as she palms her forehead clearly in disappointment letting a sigh out herself while also cursing under her breath.

She looks up to the teacher about to say something but ends up being interrupted by the bell ringing. Everyone grabs their stuff and storm out the room, but I take my time so I to be nosy as I see Camila walk up to the teacher.

"Mr. Owens is there any way I can get help before or after school or whenever you're free, before exams." Mr. Owen lets out a laugh causing confusion to fall upon the brown eyed girl

"Ha I have no such time to for you or anyone else's failure." Well that was a bit harsh I think to myself as I finish packing up my stuff and start to leave the room.

"You will have to find someone else." He says with not even a hint of any further interest in the conversation.

"Okay, who then!?" She says angered in frustration.

"Um. Ahh! Ms.Y/L/N!" I stop in my tracks closing my eyes in hope he wasn't going to ask me to do what I think he is.

"Come here for a minute would you." I turn around and start slowly making my way to where him and Camila were standing. When I reach the area I felt the brunette eyeing me as if she was reading me ; like I were a book. I found it odd mostly because I've never been this close to her before, I always chose to stay distant so I wouldn't scare her away or anything

"Yes sir." I say trying to not freak out right there as my heart was beating practically out of my chest.

"You from now on will be tutoring Ms. Cabello, understood?" I quickly turn to Camila only to be met with her already looking to me

"Uh I um uh sir" I begin not even knowing why I started instead of just agreeing. I open my mouth about to begin only to be cut off

"Do we have a problem?" He looks to me while tilting his glasses, giving me a stare I can't quite explain.

I look to brown eyed girl once again, her with just pure annoyance on her face. I look down knowing I'm most likely the reason for it and let out a breath

"No sir." He walks to his board and begins writing another lesson for his next class

"Very well, it is settled. Ms. Cabello you have two weeks before exams, I suggest you get started. Good day." After he says that it's my turn storm out the class, to rush to my dorm avoiding any further awkwardness and also any communication with Camila. I finally get to my dorm and when I do, I drop everything and begin doing a odd and inhuman dance due to my excitement completely forgetting I had a roommate.

"What the hell are you doing?" My roommate Ariana says with a magazine in her hand and a face full of fear and confusion, causing me to jump and instantly stop

"Well you know about my little crush on Camila Cabello right?" I ask her with a stupid smile plastered on my face

"Yeah, you've mentioned it one or two hundred times." She says causing me to blush in embarrassment, while she's just flipping through her magazine.

"Well today she asked Mr.Owens for help because she's struggling with her math and ironically I happened to be in the same room while this conversation was happening and he choose me to tutor her." I bite my lip fighting back a smile

"Woo hoo you go tiger." She says obviously not caring in what I see as a very rare situation

"Ha ha very funny. You laugh now I'll show you." I say with a bit of confidence. She gets up and just waves her hand off at me mumbling a "whatever" while walking to the bathroom, and as soon as she does I continue my awkward and terrifying happy dance again and while doing so their was a knock on my door.

"It's open!!" I scream while still doing my little dance being an idiot, until I was stopped by some one clearing their throat. I look up and see the one only Camila Cabello. I immediately stop and walk up to the door way where she was standing.

"Uh wh-what are you doing here?" I say catching my breath while now flustered and embarrassed.

"You heard Mr.Owens say and I quote "I suggest you get started." She says in a annoyed and unsatisfied tone.

"Oh well if yo-"

"Y/N you left your bra on the floor." Ariana yells, causing Camila to snicker and officially making this one of the worst first impressions of my life. I put my head down cuffing my hands over my face hiding my embarrassment.

"Come in." I breathe out and gesture one of my arms toward the inside of my room and she walks in. I close the door behind her and while she's turned around I bang my head against the door just because I'm an idiot. These two weeks are gonna be pretty interesting .
---------------------------------------------- sorry for any mistakes but yeah new fic
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