Chapter 3

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"What?" she says jumping due to my reaction

"Jesus Ari, don't you think you could've told me this maybe one of those one or two hundred times i was telling you about my crush on her." I say feeling my cheeks heat up with anger and frustration. Why am I so angry? I just started talking to her, though crushing on her for months. Ugh stupid emotions making me feel stuff

"Gosh sorry I didn't think it was that important or that you were even that into her, but now i realize you're basically in love with her." I stop for a moment, those words, that's when reality smacked me in the face. Am I In love with her? There's no way, she's just exaggarating. Right?

"Am not!" I say in a child like tone and fold my arms being immature

"You're only doing that because I'm right and you know it," I swear she know me better than I know myself.

"Maybe." I let out a sigh and plop myself back on my bed. "But what am I supposed to do?" I fold my arms and furrow my eyebrows looking to her

"Look at it like this it's a race. a race between you and austin and he's in the lead right now but you're not to far behind, but in the end there's going to be a winner, and in the end if you win she still has to make it to you. I hum in response and make a note of that

"Now c'mon let's call it a night." I hit the lights and get in my bed. I stare at the ceiling just thinking she has to make it to me.


"Y/N wake up!' Ari says while shaking me and jumping on my bed. I groan and push her off of me causing her to fall off of the bed I quickly sit up realizing what I just did.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you okay!?' I now get out of bed and extend my hand to help her but she waves it off.

"You're an ass" She gets up and dusts herself off before grabbing her bag starting to leave the room.

"Love you too!" She slams the door without a response and I head to the bathroom to get ready. I take a quit shower, get dressed, fixed my hair and make up. I grabbed my stuff and was ready to go until I heard a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone. I open the door without asking who it was, only to be met with those familiar brown orbs. I completely loose my cool and end up droping my books on the floor.

"Uh um Camila! What are you doing here?" I bend down and start picking up my stuff and she bends down starting to help me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to come unnanounced, it's just I wanted to apologize about blowing you off and I wanted to see if we could walk to go to study hall together." I pause and look up to her with my mouth slightly agape

"Uh yeah sure." I give her a small smile and slowly stand up and close the door behind me and we start walking.

"So, ready for exams?" I ask trying to make small talk.

"Oh my gosh no, well yes and no," I furrow my eyebrows in confusion she looks to me realizing me not getting her saying.

"I mean I'm pretty sure i'll do good on everything except Algebra." I nod my head now getting it now that shes clarified it.

"Well that's what I'm here for." I give her a playful grin and open the door for her and throw a quick glance at her and could've sworn I saw her blush. We walk in and sit down at a table, and she sits across from me.

"Lets get started shall we." I open up my notebookk and notes

*1 hour later*

"Ohhh I think I'm starting to get it." She looks to me and give me one of those bashful smiles

"Yeah? It isn't that hard right?" I ask and return the smile

"No it's hard. I just think, I like the way you teach me." She leans her arms over the table closer to mines and winks at me. Is she flirting? No, there's now way. Maybe she's just being nice. Well whatever it is she needs to stop because she's killing me.

"But I think I still need some work on it. Maybe we can practice more tonight, my dorm?" My eyes widen and I swear I was lost for words.

"Uh um yeah, I don't see why not." I stand up and gather my stuff getting ready to go. "Okay yeah, its a date." I tense up realizing the words it's a date just came out of my mouth I look to Camila and she has a grin on her face and her eyebrows raised.

"Ohh um I didn't, uhh." I become a stuttering mess and palm myself in the face and take a deep breath and hold my hand out toward her.

"See you later?" She just looks at my hand and giggles, I laugh along. She grabs my hand and shakes it.

"See you later Y/N." She grabs her bag and walks away and I watch her until she's fully gone and as soon as she is I bust out into doing my happy dance blocking out all of my surroundings

"These kind of actions will not be tolerated I suggest you stop or I will have to have you escorted out." I instantly jump and stop my dancing regaining myself. I mumble a quick "sorry" and run out of their.

Life is so good right now.


a longer update than usual..i think. I'm sorry if you hate it but if you actually liked it you're pretty wonderful . anyways comment if you liked it, tell me if I should update or not either one is cool

p.s. sorry for any errors

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