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(So a good 15 people asked for an epolauge so here we go)

Lauren POV

I woke up to someone jumping on our bed. "Mommy's wake up! Its Christmas!" Channeler, our 4 year old son, yelled jumping on the bed. "Channeler is 4 in the morning." I groaned looking over to Camila wrapping my arms around her. "Mommy's is Christmas!'' Lexi, our 2 year old daughter said stumbling into the room. "Okay we are coming. Go sit on the couch." I said and looked at Camila. "Good morning beautiful." I said and kissed her lips lightly. "Ugh can't we just stay in the room and sleep a little longer?" She asked and I chuckled. "No we can't." I said as a loud thump came from downstairs. A cry of pain came from the hallway. "Oh shit." I jumped out of bed and ran out the room. I saw Lexi sitting on the floor crying. "Hey hey hey. What happened honey?" I asked her picking up the little girl. "Channeler pushed me!" She said and I groaned. "Now why would he do that?" I asked her. "I was trying to go downstairs and look at the presents Santa left. But he said I was to slow and pushed me down." She said. I looked at her messy dark hair and her bright green eyes just like mine. I smiled at her warmly. "I'll tell you what. You get to open the first present. Okay? Sound good?" I asked her and she clapped her hands together. "Yay! I love you mommy!" She said and jumped into my arms I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you too Lex." I said and walked down the stairs. "Channeler why did you push your sister down?" I asked him looking down at him arching an eyebrow. "She wouldnt move! I-" I stopped him. "I don't wanna hear it. Lexi gets to open the first present. He groaned and sat on the couch. "Where Mommy?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders. I walked to the stairs with Lexi still in my arms. "Camz come on! We have to open presents!" I called up the stairs. "I'm coming!" She yelled running down the stairs. "Lexi gets to open the first present." I told her and put the young girl down. "Okay who was crying?" She asked me and we intertwined fingers. "Lexi. Chan pushed her down." I told her and she nodded. We sat down on the ground and the two kids between us. I smiled as they laughed opening presents.

Who knew that in a few years I would be happily marred with two kids. Better yet who knew it would be with the woman I feel in love with in highschool. The woman I gave up everything to make happy. I didn't know one day I would fall in love with her and never stop. I didn't know I would wake up next to her every morning and be able to kiss her when I wanted to and no one would stop me. There was nothing wrong with how my life was now. I had Channeler, Lexi, Camila, Normani, Ally, and Dinah. Nothing had changed besides growing up. Even though we might not be in high school anymore we where both still happy. "Lolo? Hello!" Cama asked me now sitting next to me. "Oh huh? Yes beautiful?" I asked her coming back to this world. "Your phone is ringing like crazy. Can you go answer it?" She asked me and I nodded. "Yeah sorry. I was thinking about something." I said and stood up to answer my phone.

L: Hello?
N: Hey Lauren! Are you guys all up?
L: Yeah we just finished opening presents.
N: Okay well- Jamil get that out of your mouth! Sorry we where planing on coming over in an hour or so. I already called Ally she's coming over too. I just got to call Dinah.
L: Okay cool we will see you in a little bit.
N: Okay bye Laur. Love you!
L: Love you too Mani. Bye.

I hung up the phone and walked to the living room. Channeler and Lexi where playing with there new toys and Camila was bent over picking up trash. I walked over to her and gripped her backside. "Ahh! Lauren dang it!" She said jumping at my touch. "Haha. Sorry I had to do that." I said and wrapped my arms around her. "Mani, Ally, and Dinah are coming over in an hour or so." I said and kissed her lips softly. "Okay." She said and kissed me again. "What where you thinking about earlier?" She asked me and I snuggled into her arms. "How my life got so perfect." I said and kissed her neck softly. She moaned quietly because of the kids. "Chan give it back! Mommy he took my barbie!" Lexi cried out. I pulled my self from Camila and walked to the kids. "Chan give it back to Lexi. You got a barbie too. Just like you wanted plus you got the remolt control car you want wanted. " I said and gave Lexi back her toy. "But hers is- fine." He said and got his toys. "Still perfect?" She asked me and I nodded. "Yes. Its still perfect. Wouldn't trade you or them for anything." I said and kissed her again. "Come here." I said and took her to the kitchen. "What are we doing?" She asked me as I put her on the counter. "Wait here." I said and looked into a cabinet. "What are you getting?" She asked me and I smirked. I pulled out a rectangular box. "See 9 years ago I started dating this girl. She was amazing I don't know what I would do with out her. Then a year after I met her I proposed. That was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life. No lie. Then add 2 more years of being with that same girl but engaged then we finally did it we got married. Then add 2 more years we had a son. He has beautiful dark drown eyes that shine just like his mom. He has a Mohawk he begged for with blue died tips because you can't just have a regualer Mohawk. Then add 2 more years I gave birth to our 2nd kid. She has long dark hair and bright green eyes. I feel in love with them and through those 7 years I still had the same woman beside me that I met in English when she sat next to me on her first day. Then we skip 2 more years and we are here. Christmas morning with our same 3 best friends on the way over with there kids and family. I fall more and more in love with that woman everyday I wake up next to her. Its been 9 years. 9 hectic years. But in the end we still love each other. I love you Karla Camila Jauregui. Merry Christmas." I said and kissed her lips softly. I leaned back and handed her the box. "I love you too." She said and opened the box. "Lauren!" She yelled when she saw the necklace that had '9 years' engraved across a pastel pink heart. "You like it?" I asked her and she nodded quickly. "Here." I pulled her off the counter and had her hold her hair up. I clipped the necklace in and kissed her neck. "Beautiful." I said into her ear. The door flung open and I stood there with my arms still around her. "Merry Christmas!" Dinah yelled with Jay, her husband, coming in behind her. Soon came in Ally with Lilia her daughter coming in. Then Normani came in with Sam and Jamil her twin boys.

This was my life now. Hectic and still full of love. If I could capture the feelings I had right now and put them in a bottle it would be worth more than anything. This was my life now and I loved it.

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