A walk in the familiar patch of land
Where my legs never count their steps
Just then, a familiar aroma hits
Like an old attic door,opened after ages
A hello from a forgotten friend
A musky fragrance,flaring my nose
Evoking my senses,the memories go
An accustomed redolance; a stranger I could reconize anywhere
A knock in my senses projecting bygone days
When it blowed through my nostrils in a race with my bloodstream
Fast it rushed tingling my nerves
Like the bell that dongs in the high clock tower
A flash from scarpbooks and hidden jounals
That smell safely hidden behind those old pages
Drowning in the lingin away from being remembered again
For t'was the smell that kindled the adrenaline
A mushy,fruity, whiff of pleasantry that stays in the bottom of the nose!
random pennings
Poetrythese are my poems...I'm no professional... I use words to describe my feelings..when u read them u feel wat I feel....real and profound...from the bottom of my soul