Part 2

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"Girls! Time to get ready for school."

"Mum, can't you see we already are "

"Vicky was always spoke to her mum that was. Also she wanted everything to be 'her' way. No one has a clue why she behaves like this.

"Don't be so rude!" Olly and Megan said insync. 


 Obviously Vicky muttered this to herself as she didn't want her parents to hear. She was always muttering things to herself.

"Amber. Are you dressed yet baby?"

"Yep. Already to go."


"Vicky! Come here right now."

"Wh.....what......have I done?" Vicky nervously said as she walk through her parents door.

"Try and behave more like your Amber. Speak to your family and friends nicely. Off you go now."

"Okay mum"

Vicky said this softly as she didn't want to upset her parents but on the inside she was absolutely fuming. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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