4:20. Cover flops open, pencil is sharpened. 4:21. Chair is flattened, brainstorming begins.
The 76th page gets ripped out. The 10th pencil is sharpened. Inspiration ran out 71 pages ago.
8:10. Book flips open, light switches on. 8:11. Seat is crushed, key is pressed down.
The 15th time through is played. the 2nd bulb runs out. Motivation ran out 11 times ago.
5:30. Googles are cleaned out, cap is stretched out. 5:31. Toe is dipped in, cold runs through your body.
The 30th time googles are cleaned out. The 3rd cap rips. Heat ran out 27 cleans ago.
12:15. Water cup is filled, brush is retrieved. 12:16. Paint is found, colors are splattered.
The water cup is refilled for the 12th time. The 5th brush is used. Paint ran out 6 minutes ago.