Chapter 1

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Your POV

It's 8 o'clock in the morning and you're finally moving into your new dorm with your band.
You fix up your hair and head downstairs from your room, quickly kissing your mother goodbye and carrying out your suitcase.
You were so excited you could barely stop

As soon as you arrived, you were shown by a manager to a dance studio. You opened the fancy black door that said 'KQ Fellas' you on it and widened your eyes with amazement. The room was huge and and had clean wooden floors, and despite being a dance studio, it smelt sweet, almost like a candy shop.
You look straight ahead and see 8 boys in all black dancing to a song you didn't know, it must be an English song.
As soon as the group noticed you, they stopped their dance and shut off the music. They all went over to a corner of the room, but one of them bounced over excitedly.
"You must be our new member! Nice to meet you! Where are you from?" A boy with black hair with red streaks
You suddenly felt embarrassed, all the attention on you. You took a deep breath and looked at the group up and down from afar.
"Uh-I-I'm Y/n. I'm from Busan." You stuttered out. 'Ughh, why am I so awkward!' You thought to yourself
Heat crept up into your cheeks as you realized they were all good looking, not in a romantic way but they were handsome. You felt self-conscious as you had just worn gray sweats and a white crop top.
A boy with brownish hair and a very friendly smile came up to you, waving slightly.
"Oh hello! I'm Hongjoong. The leader." Hongjoong said, putting his hand over the other talkative boy's mouth to stop him from blabbering even more. "This is San. I'll introduce you to the rest of us."
You couldn't do anything but nod and follow him as he lead you to the corner of the room where the rest of the boys had gathered. A boy with a sharp jawline and violet hair ran his hand through his sweaty hair and shook your hand.
"Hey, I'm Jung Wooyoung." He said, not really making eye contact.
"I'm Jongho, this is Yeosang, Yunho, Mingi." A boy who seemed like the youngest introduced.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n. Uh, you guys are really great at dancing. . ." You complimented. "But I thought there were eight of you, where is the last one?"
Hongjoong sighed, exasperated. "The last one is Seonghwa, he's the oldest. He is such a troublemaker and always finds some way to get out of practice. He's a great vocalist though."
You nodded slightly, a bit disappointed that you couldn't meet him too. Jongho noticed your disappointment and slung an arm around your shoulder.
"Don't be sad. He can be a real dick sometimes. But you'll meet him soon. Just don't fall for his charms because he's a player." Jongho warned you.
You grinned, all the boys here seemed super nice, and you felt like you were all already getting along. Hopefully this Seonghwa guy won't be too mean.

~The Next Day~
You were walking out of the studio after 2 hours of practice. Sweat dripped off your brow as you walked in the bright sun, since you didn't have a car, you had to walk back to the dorms. You had your own room which you were excited about. You thought about the rest of the members, so far you had a great connection with San, Jongho and Hongjoong. Everyone else seemed to like you accept for Wooyoung, who didn't talk to you much and NEVER smiled at you. You had asked Hongjoong why he seemed to hate you but he just dodged the question. You chewed on your lip, wondering why.
'wonder if it's-' You thought but you were interrupted by someone slamming into your back, they were heavy and you were sent careening onto the gravel, scraping your knees. Worst of all the person fell straight on top of you, squishing your into the ground. You pushed yourself up the person stepping off of you, you whirled around face to face.
"OW! What the hell! Look where you're goin-"
You started but as you looked at the man, your jaw dropped. He was more than just attractive, he was GORGEOUS. You examined his face, looking closer, he looked familiar. He smirked, stepping closer.
"It's rude to stare you know." He said softly.
You knew who it was now, and knowing who it was you felt even more embarrassed.
"Y-you're Park Seonghwa right?!" You exclaimed.
"Oh so you know who I am? I guess I'm pretty popular, huh?" He cooed.
"I'm your new band mate, Y/n." You said, not being able to get out much. I was frozen where I was. "You-you haven't been at practice very much Hongjoong said."
Seonghwa rolled his eyes, running his fingers through his hair. 'Boy is he hot. I mean, NO I can't think that, remember Jongho said not to fall for his charms. . .but it's so hard not to' you thought to yourself.
"I haven't felt like practicing very much. But I guess now that you are gonna be there, I might go." He said giving you a small grin and taking your hand. "Make sure you clean up those cuts on your knees. Sorry for making you fall, I'll make it up to you." He brushed his lips across your hand and winked, walking away.
'What. Just. Happened.'

Hey guys! I hope you like this story so far, I know the beginning is pretty boring but it's gonna get a little more spicy soon. Also I am open to constructive criticism. Hope you have a wonderful day/night. 💜💕

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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