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Bellowing an epic roar the carnosaur declared it's presence on the battlefield. With armour of jungle green scales it charged across golden desert sands and straight for the horde of greenskins that stormed down the canyon. The large canyon was flanked by tall walls of orange rock and it's floor was scattered with the ruins of a long forgotten civilisation.

Carnosaurs, giant bipedal killing machines from the darkest jungles. Their primal hunger is matched only by their savage rage. Their flanks are armoured and their claws are sharp. Upon the beast's scaly back sat the mightiest of the Seraphon warriors, Soraphex.

The humanoid lizard wore golden plates of armour over ocean blue scales. Shining jewels adorned his spiked frill. In his right claw he wielded a mighty spear. While his left claw was covered with a gauntlet of pure gold.

With an army of blue scaled, saurus warriors at his back, Soraphex lead the charge into the greenskin horde. The hulking brutes were made of pure muscle and wrath. Their forest green skin adorned with sky blue tattoos. Aside from their fists they carried crude weapons made from stone and bone.

Kicking up a cloud of dust the two armies stormed through the canyon. Soraphex spurred his beast onwards. It's long, muscular, legs carrying it ahead of the infantry. Roaring a ferocious battle cry, the beast spread it's claws and flared it's curved fangs.

A wave of crimson sand flew into the air as the carnosaur smashed into the orc ranks. It bashed the screaming greenskins into the blue sky. Then with razor like claws it slashed the orc's apart. With it's large feet it smashed them into the ground. With it's powerful jaws it snatched up an unfortunate orc and crushed it in bite. While the orc was still yelling the carnosaur shook it's head from side to side, violently ripping the greenskin in half. Swinging it's thick tail in wide arcs the carnosaur was able to keep most of the horde away. But a few nimble orcs managed to sneak under it's guard and scale it's tough flank, where they came face to face with Soraphex.

Spinning his spear around the oldblood slashed open an orc's throat. It tumbled back into the sandy frey. Soraphex then thrust with his weapon and skewered another orc through it's chest. Slain, the orc fell from the Carnosaur's flank. Suddenly Soraphex sensed a presence behind him. Whirling around he caught an orcish blade on his spear. The orc roared in his face and Soraphex roared back. His golden gauntlet began to glow with magical energy. Once it was as bright as the sun he threw the ball of power into the orc's face; scattering the greenskin to the winds.

Turning his attention back to the battle, Soraphex now saw that his host of saurus warriors had smashed into the orc's. With prehistoric savagery they tore the greenskin army apart. As the orc's retreated Soraphex grinned, for this was only the vanguard.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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