ten: all on tape.

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JENNY CROSSED her arms, "well, actually, I thought you should go next, Syd." She says. "Then I remembered no one in their right mind would realistically have sex with you, so—" "hey!" Dina, Everest and Stanley all defend her.

"What? Is it not true?" Jenny said as she looked from Everest to Dina. "Does Syd Novak have some high fuckability score, and I just don't see it?" She said and Everest sighed as Stanley leaned to Sydney. "Just don't listen to her." He whispers and Sydney scoffs, getting up and leaving. Jenny just laughed as Everest rolled his eyes at her.

Everest was staring at the wall where the design of their school's team logo was when Stanley left, and not long after Sydney walked in, going over to Dina and Bradley where they were making out in the corner of the gym. Everest got up and went over to the gymnasium doors, walking out to see Stanley there. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked and Stanley sighed. "We need help with getting some footage from the principal's office." He says and Everest smirked to himself.

"I could help with that." He tells him. Dina and Sydney walked out then, they were quiet. "Somebody gonna say something, or..." Dina trailed off and Everest rolls his eyes. "We need your help getting the keys to the principal's office." Stanley said and Everest looked at him and Sydney. "So we can steal some security camera footage." The girl beside him explained to them.

Dina snorts, "what?" She says as Sydney didn't laugh. "You're serious?" She says and Stanley nodded. "Um... why?" Dina asked them. "What's on the tape?" She asked as she glanced between the two. "Yeah... what'd you guys do?" Everest asked, mostly looking at Stanley, Stanley who had kissed him just the other night and was now asking for help in getting footage from the principal's office? "Well, the truth is..." Sydney paused for a minute.

Dina crossed her arms and raised her brows, waiting for her to continue. "Stan and I had sex in the library.. and it's, it's all on tape." She blurted out suddenly and Everest looked at Stanley right away, who was nodding. He didn't even reject Stan, or even accept his kiss. Was this his twisted way of coping? Sex in their school library?

"What?" Dina and Everest both say, the two nodding in sync with Stanley looking at Everest. "No way." Dina says as they continue to nod. "Dead serious." Stanley said and Everest glanced down. "It was right there in the library. We sixty-nined and everything." He continued to explain and Everest looks up with a confused look. "I'm sorry, where does Dina help in this? What do you guys even need?" He asked and Stanley sighs. "To get the keys from the janitor." He said and Everest huffs.

"She'll have to... use her...?" He said as he gestured around her chest area and Stanley nods. "First... No. Second, that's wrong." He said with a grossed out look. "Janitor Carl is gay and happily married... I'll take the lead in this!" He said before walking away. "Wh-what?" Stanley said, confused.

Everest walks into the classroom, "hi? Sir?" He said and the janitor looked over. "Yeah?" He says and Everest sighed heavily. "Can you help me?" He asked as he crossed his arms and the man stops his sweeping. "Depends on what for?" He asked and Everest sadly looked down.

"Well, uh, like, it's my six month anniversary with my boyfriend and I really wanted to do something special with him, but I forgot my backpack in sixth period where I kept a special gift for him..." He trailed off and the man gave a confused look. "And... you want the key to that classroom?" He asked and Everest nods softly. "Please? He was really looking forward to this day." He said with a frown. "I don't think I'm suppose to do that..." The man said with a small shake of the head.

"Oh, come on. It's the first time I'm planning to say I love you to him, which I do, but it'll just be so much more special with the gift." He says sadly and Carl simply sighed. "Only if you bring them back in twenty." He held up the key ring and Everest nodded right away, walking over.

The man held them back though, "treat him well..." He said and Everest nods, smiling before walking away and leaving the classroom. He holds up the keys to Sydney and Dina. "Holy shit. You did it?" Dina asked with a small smile. "What did you even say?" Sydney chuckled at him.

"Hmm. Told him I had left my backpack in one of the classrooms and that my mom would kill me because it's where I keep my wallet." He says and Sydney chuckles, grabbing the keys. "So what's the plan? We got less than twenty minutes."

"The plan..." Stanley is walking over to them now, smiling widely. "Is quite simple." He said and stopped, holding out two burritos. "First, we distract Whittaker with burritos. I'm gonna put these in the microwave and blast these bad boys up on high, and then..." He imitates an explosion. "Whittaker will hear it and come runnin'. When he takes off from the teachers' lounge, the coast'll be clear straight through to the principal's office, and then we make our move." Stanley nodded.

"Ev, you're the key man." He shrugged and Everest slowly nods. "Wait, why me?" He says with a scrunched up face. "Because you're good with your hands." Stanley said like it was obvious. "Is that like... sexually or..." Dina glanced between them and Everest rolled his eyes. "Ew."

"I mean, because I've seen him roll before." He said as he gestured to Everest's hands which the blond wiggles with a smirk. "Magic hands?" He says to the two and Dina sighs. "Anyway, Dina, you're look out." Stanley points to the girl who nods and says, "okay." Stanley nods. "You keep eyes on Whittaker. The burrito bomb should keep him busy for a while. That man cannot resist a fire extinguisher, which will give us the time we need to get in. Burrito bombs are disgusting. Last time I set one off, my whole house smelled like bean farts and I had to live with the Lovejoys temporarily." He says.

"Temporarily? It was two weeks." Everest says and Stanley shrugs. "Anything goes wrong, Dina, you signal us... and everyone take cover." Stanley explained to them.

"That is literally the worst idea I've ever heard." Sydney says with crossed arms. "It's fair. It's totally fair. Can you think of a better one?" Stanley pointed and he did have a point. They couldn't. "Our best hiding spot's probably gonna be behind the old trophy case. And we wait... for the smoke alarm. That should buy us more time. Which we will need, because there are a shit ton of keys. Like, a metric shit ton, it's ridiculous. Once we're in, we head straight for the security system in the closet. And that's it." Stanley smiles.

"Whatever you do, do not panick, do not bail... or we are screwed." He then says. "Okay, but what happens if your plan goes to shit?" Sydney asked. "It won't." Stanley refused her negative answer. "But what if it does?" Sydney raised her brows. "Then improvise. Jesus, are we doing this or not?" Everest asked them and Stanley sighed. "Yes. We are."





authors note watch everest be jealous😳

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