8 On The Case

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Deku's mind went blank as he watched the figure collapse into your arms.
'No way...it can't be!' His thoughts swirled around his head in a hurricane of confusion.

Your knees carefully lowered to the floor as you brought the figure down to rest in your lap.
"Hey? Can you hear me??" You called, your experienced hands moving down the person's neck to feel for a pulse. "Still has a strong pulse..." You noted as you rolled the figure onto their back.
"HOLY SHIT!!" You nearly threw the person off your lap. (Thanks to your occupation you held back from that).

"Kacchan!? How did...I-I.." Izuku stumbled out of his seat and over to his panting friend.
Looking over him he was quick to noticed the deep crimson dripping from his palms.

"He's out cold! Do you know what he was up to? Was he on a mission??" You questioned, your hand swiping across your heart to activate your quirk.
The instant the beam connected to Bakugo you were overwhelmed by the spike in vital information.
"His blood pressure and oxygen levels are incredibly out of normal ranges! Something this bad normally happens when a quirk is used to much..." Having informed Deku of the blonde's status, you began the process of healing his hands.

The green haired hero looked like he was on the verge of tears as he kneeled down beside you.
"I-I asked him to check a lead on the case!! I didn't think he...or.."

"F-F..." A strained voice attempted to speak.

"Kacchan! What is it!?" Izuku reached out to gently touch his friend's shoulder.

"F-Fucking...nerd.." Bakugo finally hissed out, his bright amber eyes slowly starting to open.
"I saw...your phone.." A tired but still very cheeky grin plastered itself onto his face.

You knew the time wasn't appropriate, but you couldn't help but giggle at the comment.
"That's the least of our worries right now, Ground Zero." Trying to regain your professional approach, you moved your hands down to gently take the blonde's. The injury looked to be some kind of deep burn that had managed to get bad enough to bleed.
Feeling your patient try to pull his hand away you quickly tightened your grip.
"Quit squirming, I know a girl holding your hand is probably a new concept but relax." You remarked, not in the mood to be pushed around.

Deku knew your gesture was strictly professional...but he couldn't hide the obvious pout he was starting to make.

Bakugo on the other hand, made no effort to hide what was either a blush from pure stress or embarrassment that'd crept onto his cheeks.
"You're just..." He failed to find any remark that wouldn't get him punched.

Nodding your head in 'understanding' you began to massage at the stiff muscles of the blonde's palms.
"I've got your burns fixed but now I have to make sure your tendons don't get stuck." You commented after noticing the questioning states from both males.
"Mind telling us what happened? Should we be worried about a villain who could've follo—"

Bakugo scoffed, forcefully pulling himself free from your tender care.
"As if they could fucking catch me! Why do you think my hands are like this!? I blasted my ass over here from nearly five minutes away!" He spat, now starting to massage his own hands.
"I took up the shitty nerd's offer on the lead because I was bored and...somehow the blockhead was right."

'Isn't he just a ray of ungrateful sunshine!' You thought as you dismissed your quirk.
"Deku is number one for a reason so bite your tongue number two." You stated flatly, earning a panicked look from the green haired boy.

Bakugo made an attempt to lurch himself upwards but found himself to still be a bit to sore for that kind of action just yet.
"Nobody asked you Hag!" He exclaimed with a snarl.

Your lips parted to respond but a very surprising voice beat you to it.

"Don't you dare speak to her that way! She healed you! You're such an ungrateful jerk!!" Deku's usually sweet and passive tone had changed to be stern and threatening.

Bakugo was momentarily taken back by this sudden outburst. Having been used to verbally assaulting Izuku without him so much as defending himself, this kind of response was unheard of.
"W-Whatever! Just listen closely okay!" Not wanting to be ganged up on in an argument he chose to answer your question.
"I think I saw one of the villains who's been taking pictures of people."

"That's amazing!! Did you fi—"

"Shut it!" Bakugo cut Deku off instantly.
"I found him, but when I got close enough, this guy snapped a picture of himself and vanished..that's when I hauled ass over here after I called." His voice trailed off for a moment as he allowed the experience to replay in his head. "I saw the restaurant background over the phone so I came over.."
Sighing heavily he turned to look up at the both of you. "I think this guy can teleport people if he's got a clear photo of them looking at the camera."

A moment of silence followed the statement as everyone tried to wrap their heads around the information.

Deku swallowed back his nerves before finally speaking up, "So...it's kinda like a gateway?"

"I bet the boss who's got the quirk, is somewhere cozy behind a laptop screen, waiting for a picture of his pals to pop up so he can teleport them home." You suggested, disgust clear in your tone.
If your hunch was right then solving this case was going to be a lot harder then you'd first expected.

So this chapter is short again but I saw all the support from you guys and really wanted to get something up! Hope you enjoy the mystery!

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