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The rest of the day went by in mainly the same way. The exorcist tried to find ways to keep the boys busy. Many times having to stop so Allen could eat. Mugen especially liked it when Allen activated his innocence. The boy would dart around fighting it. He was very acrobatic.
Tim would laugh at Mugen. The green eyes hardly looked at anything else. It was as if his friend was the entire world. Allen frowned at him when, once again Tim was staring at the handsome boy. Allen remembered times when it was just him and Timcampy. Often out alone trying to find ways to get money. It had been Tim he trained against as he learned to play cards.
As Allen watched Mugen squaring off with Hammer he felt a tiny bit jealous of the boy. Tim was still watching him as they were all in the training room together.
“What's going through that head of yours, bean sprout?” a deep masculine voice asked behind him. Allen jumped. The last time he had seen Kanda, the warrior had been watching from the far corner. Allen felt his cheeks heat up. The kiss from the other night still on his mind. Kanda was a good kisser. This line of thought only had him blushing more.
“Nn nothing!” he muttered stepping a bit away from the imposing figure. Kanda tsked, arms folded 9very his chest he looked back at the sparring boys.
“If it was nothing your face wouldn't resemble a tomato.” He muttered. Allen tried to laugh, it came out more hysterical sounding.
“Master, Hammer's hurt.” Tim pointed to where the copper skinned youth stood against the wall. One hand pressed to the wood. The other was bleeding. Hammer stood looking down at it with detached curiosity.
“Hammer are you ok?” Allen called grateful for the distraction. He missed the thin lipped glare the golden boy exchanged with the dark samurai. Hammer turned to look at Allen. Mugen stood a few paces away looking from the red liquid on the other’s boys hands down to his own hands. His eyes even larger in his face.
Hammer held up the bleeding hand to Allen. Lavi came back into the room with a first aid kit. “What happened?” Allen asked. Lavi walked up to Hammer opening the plastic kit. He flashed a sideways grin at the white haired teen.
“Well 8f you hadn’t been all gooey over dark thunder there, you might have noticed.” Lavi's grin grew over his face as Allen's cheeks turned crimson again. Kanda tsked.
“Just tell us what happened, stupid rabbit.” He growled.
Lavi cleaned the blood off of Hammer's hand. He had a slight cut on his palm. It wasn't very deep. Lavi quickly medicated it and placed a band aid on it. He was telling the others what happened as he worked.
“They were sparring when Hammer jumped coming in from above. Mugen's hands came up, but they weren't hands any more.” His green eye glanced over to the boy still looking down at his hands.
“What do you mean?” Allen asked. Lavi gave him a quick glance as he finished up Hammer wound care. He turned to look at the pair. Night and day he thought. But that wasn't right more like midnight and moonlight. They both had their se rest. Lavi smiled hiding the thoughts from his face.
“I mean, Mugen's hands became swords. He defended himself against the attack. Hammer was able to change direction rabbit I  mid air. Resulting only getting the cut on his hand instead of impaled on the sharp swords.”
The three teens looked at each other. “Do you think they still retain their innocence abilities and properties?” Allen asked. Lavi shrugged as he closed up the kit.
“Only one way to find our.” He looked around the room they were in. “We cant do it here. Hammer would destroy this place.”  Silently they all agreed.
“Bring that.” Allen told Lavi pointing to the kit in his hands. Lavi gave him a grim nod. They group headed back outside. There was the field they had walked in the day before. It should be big enough for Hammer to show what he was capable of.
Allen noted that Mugen still looked upset. Tim was walking beside the boy, one arm around his shoulders the other hand gently caressing his smooth palm. Allen glanced at Kanda. The dark warrior met his gaze for a brief second. He tsked quietly before turning away. Allen cursed under his breath as his cheeks reddened once more.
The reached the field. Allen looked out over the water surrounding the island. He spotted some dark shapes in the distance. Thinking they were just clouds he turned to Lavi. The red haired teen was talking to Hammer.
When Lavi nodded to Allen Hammer stepped out away from the group. His arms held out to his sides. Lavi watched him. At first nothing happened. Kanda got annoyed with waiting.
“You have to give hi. The instructions!” he snarled at Lavi.
“Oh, right.” Lavi flashed a sheepish grin. “Hammer fire stamp.” The boys arms raised above his head. A circle of various symbols appeared. Hammer punched one. He brought his hands to the ground smashing his fists into the hard soil. Fire erupted out from him. It blossomed up into the sky. Lavi whooped in glee. Allen smiled. Kanda just growled looking unimpressed.
Suddenly Allen's eye twitched then changed. “Akuna!” the boy cried. He activated his innocence. His face turned toward the dark shapes he took to be clouds before. He had to protect them all. “Get the boys back to headquarters!” he shouted. Kanda snarled beside him. Lavi ignored him running to Hammer.
“Big hammer little hammer" Lavi cried. The boy wrapped his arms around the gingers waist. “Grow.” He shouted. The boys feet remained locked to the ground. His torso lengthened as he lifted Lavi out of the way. “Get Tim and…” Lavi’s voice trailed of as Mugen had rushed to Kanda’s side. The neither world  creatures shot out from the boys hands flying to the Akuma. Mugen's arms became swords as his body twisted around Kanda's waist. Kanda took hold of the swords. The pair faced the oncoming Akuma.
Golden wings exploded from Tim's back as he flew up to help Lavi. His mouth opened wide in his head as he attacked anything that came to close. Lavi ordered him to go back to Allen. Hammer took the pirate back to the white haired boys side as well. Allen was already using the crown clown to destroy the enemies coming at them.
“Hammer, fire stamp.” Lavi shouted as he dodged behind the boy. Hammer's copper arms flung out. He repeated the movements from before. Fire spread out over the group of Akuma. Most of the Akuma were destroyed in the blast. Allen took out the rest on their side. Tim was biting , clawing and dodging around an Akuma that was getting to close to the exorcist. Allen destroyed the thing with his sword.
They rushed to help Kanda who had pursued a smaller group of Akuma around the curve of the island. As they came around Kanda leapt from a cliff falling down on an Akuma. The swords in his hands sliced the thing apart. It was the last one.
Allen paused looking at the dark warrior. When he saw that the others had destroyed the rest of the Akuma, Kanda released the swords. They turned back into the boys arms. Mugen separated himself from his master. He looked up the hill. Timcampy raced to Mugen's side. Mugen raced to meet him as well. They collided between the exorcist in a bone crushing embrace.
“Are you… “ Kanda, Lavi and Allen all began to speak at once. Lavi laughed running one hand through his red hair. His other dropped to Hammer's shoulders. They boy looked like he wanted to brush it off, but the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.
There was the sound of many feet coming up behind them. Allen jumped to be the first person to face the new threat. Hammer caught Lavi's hand as Mugen pulled Tim to Kanda's side. Over fifty finders came running around the curve of the island., led by Lenalee. Allen relaxed.
“Are you all right?” Lenalee called out.
“Is the innocence safe?” A finder asked.
“We're all fine.” Allen called back. Lenalee hugged Allen after he replaced his arm sword. The finders informed them that they had to return inside. It was agreed that this would be best. The boys were surrounded by the finders as they headed back into the castle.
“Well at least they can still fight.” Lavi muttered. Allen looked over at Tim. The golden boy was holding tightly to Mugen's hand. He looked concerned at the beautiful dark haired child. Allen noted that Mugen was dirty. There were black marks all over his arms.
“I think a bath is in order.” He announced leading the way to the bath house. It was a large pool like tub with hot water. They took their clothes off in the locker room then sank in to the inviting warmth as one. Hammer kept a small space between him and the others. Allen noted it wasn't as large as before.
Lavi sat beside the white haired boy. His arms resting on the side of the tub behind Allen's head. From the corner of his eye, Allen saw Kanda glaring across from them. With a smirk he turned to Lavi.
“You have something on your face.” A soft task from Kanda nearly had Allen bursting with laughter. He leaned in closer to Lavi.
“Do you think it’s true, what Mugen said about Kanda?” he whispered. The green eye surveyed the dark haired samurai.
“Kanda cares for you. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have given you a nickname. Or two.” He added with his own smirk. Allen leaned back. He couldn’t stop smiling. Tim and Mugen where happily splashing each other next to Kanda. When water hit the brooding teen in the face he yelled at them.
“Knock it off. You're acting like children!” he bellowed.
“They are children.” Allen pointed out. They relaxed for sometime until Allen’s stomach started to growl. Jerry had a slew of food ready for them. Not only was Allen’s cart over flowing but there was a ton of everything else as well.
“Wasn’t sure what the little men liked.” He commented. Lavi laughed filling a plate. Tim, Mugen, and Hammer each filled their own plates before everyone went to sit at Allen’s table. Even Kanda took a seat by them. When everyone stared at him he just tsked and went on eating his noodles.

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