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Montana, without sounding too dramatic, was losing the fucking will to live

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Montana, without sounding too dramatic, was losing the fucking will to live.

The party on Friday night, from what Montana actually remembered of it, had been a blast. Diane was telling the truth when she promised that the girls on her cheer squad were some of the nicest people she would ever meet. Montana now had a group of people to hang out with in Forks whenever she needed a break from the Rez, which was becoming increasingly more likely by the day.

When Monday morning finally came, she was practically bursting with excitement to tell her best friends how great the party was, and even to inform Quil that she'd made friends with a girl that he would absolutely love. However, when she stepped through the doorway into History class and saw a stone faced Quil beside an empty seat, where Jacob should have been, everything seemed to come crashing down around her.

Jake had mono, according to Billy Black, which Montana knew was bullshit. To make matters worse, her parents had started acting even more strange; hushed whispers of conversations in the kitchen, unbearably fake smiles, more council meetings. Montana was on the brink of losing it, and the constant stares from Jared, Paul and Embry at school were not helping.

Quil slammed his locker door shut violently, the sound making Montana flinch. "Why do they keep looking at us like that?"

"I don't know," she responded, shifting her eyes across to the three boys in question. They stood together at the end of the corridor, not being subtle in the slightest about the looks they were giving Montana and Quil. "I can't figure out why. It's almost as if it's out of pity...but at the same time..." she trailed off, sighing when she couldn't come up with an answer to finish her sentence. "I'm so sick of all this."

"Me too," Quil agreed, leaning his back against the locker. "I don't get why they keep leaving. Like, is there something wrong with us?"

"No, they're just jerks," Montana huffed, her eyes narrowing in the direction of the boys. "Something's not right though," she noted. "It's definitely to do with Sam."

"I just hate this," Quil mumbled, turning to face her properly. "None of it makes sense."

"I'm just gonna let them get on with it," Montana told him honestly. "I'm not wasting my energy. If they wanna throw this friendship away then they can, I'm not chasing after them anymore, and neither should you. We both deserve better."

Quil exhaled heavily, falling quiet for a few moments. "This fucking sucks."

"I know." Montana met his eyes with a heavy heart. Quil was taking the disappearances of his best friends hard, and it showed on his face. His eyes were heavy with sadness, and he seemed to wear a hurt expression almost all the time now. "Hey, uh, Diane invited me to hang out with her and some friends this weekend. Do you wanna come along?"

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