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That's all I saw. Nothing but pitch black in the distance going on and on. Stars glowing so bright across the galaxy.
I only remembered my friends and mentor that I once loved. But then Celestia banished me to the moon. I just don't know why, my friends didn't even bother to help me. I felt alone, empty, and a pathetic little princess.

I just wanted to get off the blasted moon even with my mind racing with anger and hate at Celestia
Why do I feel like this? Because ponies that I trusted turned out to be betrayal.
Just like that, I couldn't bare to trust anyone. I was foolish to think that friendship was worth it.

I want my revenge. I couldn't live on the moon forever, alone and angry.

No P.P.O.V

Twilight thought about the times she has with her friends and mentor. She could never think about them ever betraying her.

5 years later...

Twilight began to have strange thoughts inside her mind.
Voices whispered in Twilight's mind. Maki bff her feel more sadness, anger that was inside her.

"Poor little princess"

"Who are you?!" Twilight yelled at thin air.

"My name is nightmare, I came to help you with your problem"

"Why me?!"

"You feel bitter, angry and sad"

"So what!?" Twilight snapped back, still looking into thin air.

"We can get revenge on the ponies who betrayed you"

Twilight sighed, she thought about it for awhile.

"Fine, Nightmare I agree!" Twilight yelled

A shadow showed up in front of her face, going inside her body

Betrayal Where stories live. Discover now