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   Sam's POV

       The next day at school, I was drinking from a water fountain when Gibby bumped into me! I was about to punch him right in the nose but I'm not going to detention. "Gibby! What the fudge?!" I yelled. Gibby shook. Like he was freezing. "Sorry, Sam!" Gibby ran off as the speed of lighting. I was about to walk to my locker when I caught Carly looking at me. "Hey, Carbear!" I said. Carly froze and her face turned red with blush. I've never called her that before. She's cute- I mean the nickname is cute. I didn't say that. "Hi, Sam! Um...gotta go!" she said, embarrassed. She covered her face with her notebook and walked away.

              Pretty weird of her to do that. But she's been acting strange this past week. Oh well, some people are just crazy for Coco Puffs. Kinda reminds me of my mom. Freddie walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Hey, Sam." he says. "Hey, Fred-ster." I teased. I think he likes it when I call him that. I saw Carly spying on me and Freddie but I ingored it. I started to think. Maybe she likes one of us. Can't be me. It must be Freddie. He's had a crush on her years, fell in love with me, and maybe she now has feelings for Freddie. I'm crazy. She doesn't have feelings for Freddie! Maybe she's jealous of us.

                I think too much. Me and Freddie walked to class, holding hands. Is it me or did I just hear Carly whisper, "I think I love her." I mean "her" could be anyone. Unless she was talking about me. Me and Freddie got into the classroom and sat down. Our math teacher, Miss Longfart, was taking attendance and called out our names. Yes; that is a name. No wonder, she'd a miss.
No one said a word. Until Carly came in so fast. "Here!" she yelled. She got the seat next to me and waved. I waved back as I continued to pay attention. I hated math! But my mom said if I pass math and get an A+, she'd get me a new car! Mine's a little jacked up. No, seriously. I crashed into a parking meter, kept it, and sold it on Fbay.

           Carly was staring at me but this time it was serious. She started to drool on her notebook. "Carlz. You got a little something on your" She got back on earth and tried to dry it. "Carly Anne Shay, this is unexpected. Let me see your notebook." Miss Longfart shouted. She grabbed her notebook. She was in shock of what she saw. Her paper wrote; Sam x Carly, with a picture of us kissing! It was so embarrassing. Everyone laughed and started to make jokes.

           My face turned red as I grabbed her wrist and went outside the classroom. "Carly! What is wrong with you?! Is there something you wanna tell me?!" I yelled. Carly's eyes started to fill with tears. "It's not my fault I...nevermind." Carly stopped. When Carly stops, she doesn't want to argue. I decided to let it go and we walked into back into the room. I heard people whisper so I made my butter sock sign. They all shut up. I'm still puzzled. Is love with me?!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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