ch.14 a hint

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"hm"said Wei ying laying on his bed
It was the weekend which he had nothing going on but all he could think about was the boy named
"Lan wangji"but Wei ying didn't call him that he called him lan zhan.
Wen qing came into his room and was confused by Wei Yings actions.
"What's up with you?"said wen qing
"What would you do if you liked someone for a while but want to be in a relationship with them now?"asked Wei ying
Which surprised her
"Well I would admit my feelings"wen qing said
Wei ying than had an idea
"What if I give out hints to him"said Wei ying
"That would be a great idea"said wen qing and than Wei ying ran out to find lan zhans
Than wen qing realized
"Wait..a he..damn I always thought he was gay but never knew it would be real"wen qing said and chuckled.

Wei ying spent 2 whole hours trying to find lan zhan.
He wasn't at his house,
At Xiao xingchen place,
Or at the grocery store he goes to
Wei ying was losing hope a sudden thought came to his head
"What if I'm not meant to find him because we are not meant for each other"Wei ying than put his head down on the verge of tears.
Until he heard someone next to him ask
"Wei ying are you ok what happened?"Wei ying than looked up to see lan zhan with a worried face
Wei ying than quickly hugged him which caught the other boy by surprise.
"What happened?"said lan zhan rubbing Wei Yings back to calm him
"I-i thought I l-lost y-you"said Wei ying still crying
"Well I'm here no need to worry"said lan zhan than ended the hug and looked at Wei ying while wiping his tears.
"Wei ying why would you think you lost me I mean I still go to school with you"lan zhan said
"I thought you left me b-because I felt like......"said Wei ying
"Like what?"asked lan zhan
"I have f-feelings for you and I began to think why I couldn't find you was because we are not meant to be"said Wei ying with his head down about to cry again waiting to get rejected at any moment.
Lan zhan on the other hand was smiling so wide and hugged Wei ying which shocked Wei ying
"I love you to"said lan zhan
This made Wei ying very confused
But very happy.
The two got up and started to walk to Wei Yings house
The sky was beautiful since the sun was setting both hand on hand with smiles that made them look like idiots.
(Here comes my favorite moments in fanfiction about gay love😂)
When they got there the other couples were there to
"Did ya finally fuck each other"said xue yang with a teasingly smirk on his face
This question made both the boys blush so it convinced them that it was a yes when it really was a no
"Oh wow who's the bottom?"said Xiao xingchen jokingly
Both boys pointed at each other
"Your the bottom"said lan zhan
"No you are"said Wei ying
"No you are because you act more like a girl"said lan zhan this made everyone laugh
After teasing the couple a little more it was dark so wen ning & Jiang cheng in one room
Xue yang &Xiao xingchen in one room
Yanli & wen qing in one room
And Wei ying & lan zhan in one room.

Must read
(Ok so imma post 4 next chapters on when they go to bed it's no sexual maybe a sexual joke here and there but most is gonna be cute couple things)

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