Gerard Way

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Word count: 657
     This was written in sixth grade so I apologize for any weird grammar or spelling issues. We had to write about who our idol is and I chose Gerard Way and I still agree with sixth grade me :)
     Musician and illustrator, Gerard Way inspires me and thousands of other fans by teaching others through music, following his dreams, and battling his depression and addictions.
     Gerard Way's music has good and
inspiring messages such as "Carry on" from the song "Welcome to the Black Parade," and "I am not afraid to keep on living. I am not afraid to walk this world alone." From the song "Famous Last Words." When I am feeling upset, sad, or maybe even when I am happy, I turn up My Chemical Romance (Gerard's band). Some parts in the music hit close to home for me. They really make me feel like I have a purpose, and that everything will get better. I just need to keep on going, then it will pay off one day.
     No matter how crazy or far away Gerard's dreams seemed to be, he kept fighting for his dreams. Gerard started working at a comic book store. His love for comics got the best of him because he was not paid in money, but in comic books. He was so passionate about comics that he chose them over money. That helped Way in the long run when he wrote comics such as "The Umbrella Academy," "The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys," and more. (A/N- this was before I got into Doom Patrol so that's why I didn't mention it) He also started a punk rock band called My Chemical Romance. He was not very experienced with that type of stuff. Gerard could not play an instrument very will, dance, and he was not a singer or songwriter yet.  His lead guitarist, Ray Toro was not sure if Gerard could do it but he did. He tried and he made it. That inspires me by showing me that if you want something, you will do you will do things that you may not usually do to achieve it. Crazy dreams may seem far away, but they can actually be closer than you think.
     After a while of stress from the band, and after 9/11, Gerard found himself doing drugs, drinking too much, and dealing with deep depression. That included suicidal thoughts. Gerard was struggling to escape that nightmare. He started getting drunk and high to try to make the pain go away. One night, Gerard had hit his all-time low. That was the point that he knew had to stop. He gained the support from his friends, family, and band members. After three years of depression and addiction, he quit in seventeen days. He still had problems with depression, but he pulled himself out of it with the help of his friends and family. It shows that he is human too, but just some perfect superstar. Sometimes people, including me, idolize celebrities and think of them in a way that makes them seem perfect. In reality,  they are just as messed up as we are. So was Gerard. He showed me if he can pull himself out of his problems, then I can too. Way taught me that if you hit the bottom, you can only go up from there.
     Gerard Way inspires and touches our hearts through his music, by following his dreams, and by battling his addictions and depression. He taught us to do the same.

     Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my little essay about Gerard Way. This meant a lot to me at the time and I was very proud of it.   There's so many ways I could make it better and I wish I changed a few things but it's pretty good for sixth grade me. Also, if you're wondering, I got an A on it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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