how you meet

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-you meet her in history class when you were partnered up for an assignment and you were sooo nervous because you had seen her on TV and had gone to her concerts before

-she introduced herself and when you said you already knew her she blushed and asked what your name was. which you happily told her

-for the rest of the class you chatted about her music


-you two were at baseball practice and he nearly hit you on the head with a baseball he had hit.

- he asked why you'd gotten in the way of his baseball then he realised who you were.

- "your Y/N right?

-you nodded so then he introduced himself


-you were in the computer lab when he walked in and nervously took the last seat which was next to you

-you thought that was cute and asked him what his name was

-he told you and asked for your name too

-he helped you hack a video game you were trying to win


-after school you were walking home in the pouring rain and mondo came by on his bike and accidentally splashed you. 

- he would normally have kept going but he thought you were cute and so he offered to give you a ride

- when you got to your house you said "thanks... umm what's your name again?" "mondo, mondo Owada" he replied,"what's yours?" "oh! I'm Y/N" 

-then he drove off

Ishimaru :

-you were being bullied in the hall and Ishimaru saw it and gave the bullies detentions

-you exchanged names and he took you to the nurses office to make sure you were ok

-he didn't leave your side till he knew you were ok


-you saw him in class writing a fanfic so you asked to read it

-  he said sure and introduced himself

-you told him your name

-you spent the rest of the lesson talking about his fanfic


-You met in drama class and thought her outfit was a costume!!!

-she informed you that NOPE that's just how she likes to dress

-you introduced yourself and she did too.

-you spent the rest of the lesson talking about gambling and listening to her stories of the money she's won from people all around the world


-you were both at an after school martial arts class

-you got injured in a fight

-she rushed over and bandaged you up

-gave you some protein shake :)

- she introduced herself as sakura

-you told her your name too.


-surprise surprise you met at lunch when she came over to ask if she could have one of your donuts.

-you broke it in half and told her your name

-she introduced herself as Asahina 

-you quickly became friends over your shared love of donuts :)


-he was late to class

-but so were you

-you walked to class together

-he said his name so you did too

-you spent the walk to class talking about hope and his luck and almost every topic

-you sat together when you got to class (after being yelled at by the teacher)


-He bumped into you in the hallway

-you fell over

-he didn't even say sorry

-You started following him

-toko got mad

-he defended you and said that you were an annoying peasant but at least more entertaining than Toko.

- He asked your name but never told you his

-(you already knew about him tho)


-he was sitting on a bench outside 

-you sat down too

-he got excited because his "fortune was right"

-he explained that he guessed that a cute girl/boy would sit there.

-you both blushed when he called you cute

Toko- (not doing genocide jack :p)

- You both reached for the same book in the library. 

-at the same time you both  said that the other could have it

-you laughed and she blushed

-you both read the book together 


-you were taking a 'detective class'

-you got paired together for an assignment

-you did a great job together

-but you thought she did more work

-so you bought her chocolate

-she blushed and took it.

Quick question, 

should I add Junko into this part?

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