when they're Jealous

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Requested by Asterouss

[in this one we're like assuming that someones not- so- subtly flirting with you.]


- she kinda acts all tsundere, like refuses to admit she's jealous

- she just death stares the person until they back down

-if they don't then she just smiles makes up an excuse to leave for a minute, then she grabs your hand and drags you somewhere and just kisses you to remind you that you love her and no-one else. :)


-he'll randomly grab your hand or wrap his arm around you to show the person that your not interested.

- he'll call you baby, or sweetheart. or whatever nickname ALOT more often in front of he person.

Chihiro -

-Chihiro will be sad.

- he won't say anything. he'll just stay quiet

- tears might start to form in his eyes if his sadness goes unnoticed and the flirting continues

-after the person leaves he'll ask you if you still love him. and you'll have to comfort him.


- he's just really aggressive like calm down

-thats pretty much it he's just asserting his dominance over the person

- maybe some T-posing hehe


- he's pretty much oblivious to the flirting anyway. 

- "wow that person was acting weird. they were friendly though so they're ok in my books!"

-I literally just had no clue what to write for ishi to be honest 


- he's just outright mean to the person. 

-not like mondo mean but he's just kind of spiteful

-making witty remarks.


-contains her composure

-she's more cold to the person and pays more attention to you. 

- "you know Y/N? your A- tier. P/N (persons name) is more of a I don't know F tier."


- stays pretty calm.

- doesn't really get too worries

-she knows your hers and that's all that matters isn't it?


-she basically ignores the person unless their outright asking her a question and even if they do shes giving like 3 word answers

- she seems more pouty and plays with your hair.

-  she keeps trying to bring your attention to her.


- he just squeezes your hand 

-he waits for the person to go away before telling you he loves you


-D e a t h    s t a r e s 

- the person would just feel two eyes burning into them at all times

- she continues to talk and be normal just with an icy edge in her voice to both the person and you

-shes kind of letting you know that, you better not be flirting back or else.


- she gets increasingly more nervous till she just loses it

-Y/N! are you leaving me for P/N?!

-it's because I'm ugly isn't it!?

- she won't let you get a word in 

- she ends up slapping you and running off to cry.

-you've definitely got some comforting to do.


- bold of you to assume this person isn't already being hunted down by a private hitman hired specially by him

- I mean he would never admit it. but he's definitely jealous.


- he honestly doesn't even really care

- he might freak out a little in his head but her gets over it


- she'll tap you asking if you can please pay more attention to her.

- if they keep going she says "look I know Y/N is like totally hot but they're mine, so if you could maybe get lost that would be appreciated bye!" then she grabs your hand and pulls you away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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