Her background

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•Her name is- Koyori Naito
•age is- 23
•Height- 5'7
•Weight- 130
•Lives- Tokyo, Japan
•Eyes- they change determine with her mood, red is when she's absolutely angry. But normally her eyes are a blue and green swirl.
•Demeanor- she's quite down to earth, keeping to herself yet she's very welcoming to new people.
•Scars and other features- she has no scars, yet she done have the great wave tattooed on her hip, and some artwork of her own along her arm.
•History- she has been quite made up, which means the history and weird occurrences that happen at Japan an elder man was working to make the perfect hybrid daughter, which ended up making Koyori which wasn't his attentions, Koyori has lost control a couple times and have hurt people to protect her so called 'father' but he grew terrified of her power and shipped her to America where now she lives on her days, confused of what her doings was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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