Chapter 5♦🌼

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Some of you said you was not able to read previous chapter 5 so I dicided to upload chapter 5 again ...if you still not able to read the chapter5 then let me know

In phuket one of the fluke friend James runs a resturant called Old Siam Thai royality beachfront  Resturant  ....James is the owner of the Resturant ...

P'james used to run a Resturant in Bangkok before and that's where he got to know fluke and prem cause they usually went to his Resturant to eat and later they became really close friends but later james wanted to open a Resturant on a beachside and he found  phuket is  one of the best place to run a Resturant ..that's why he moved in to phuket...he is the famouse chef as well ...lots of people love to visit there cause his Resturant provides best Thai foods and foreign foods as well ...

When fluke and prem arrived there ..James welcome them with a warm hugs

" are you " fluke says .. as I already mentioned  somehow fluke likes to call P'James Mom  and p'james loves to call fluke 'child' or you can also say son or daughter..

"My are you my love " James says with warming smile

" I'm good mom ..what about you "

"You can see ..I'm fit and fine " James says while showing his whole body..

" I'm also here p'james " prem says annoyingly cause both mom and child ignoring him... ( lol..poor prem)

" I m sorry prem ..I just wanted to say hi to my child" james chuckeles

" how's the flight"

After this question. .Fluke get the flashback about what happened to him in the plane ..that makes fluke lost in his sense and at this moment he is not able to listen what p'james asking him  ...everything that deen boy did to him was warm and full of tender love..

"Child are you okey" p'james called fluke 3rd time but he didnt answer him rather than fluke was smiling on his own like an idiot ....

"Sooonnn" p'james juggle the small boy's shoulder...

"Yeah mom" fluke back to the reality...

"I said how's the flight ..why you are smiling like an idiot "

" it was good " fluke didn't say much about the flight  ..he was trying to supress the warm feeling infront of p'james ... but he is smiling all in all cause he is recalling the memories

P'James serve them  Cold drinks and some Chinese dishes. ..after the fullfillness of their stomach...James lead them to his fancy  hotel rooms...

James knew there were coming that's why he did ready  the best rooms for them...cause p'james knows how wealthy they are and without fancy facilities they can't survive....cause they used to it ...

On the other side with Deen
deen left the airport hurriedly ...cause he was there in phuket not for the vacation but for the business he need to be there on time ..from the airport  he was thinking about the little scared boy he was scared ..the way he looked at him was magical.. Deen was dispointed cause he forget to ask for his number...he only know his name

"FLUKE" deen says with heart eyes and little smile on his lips...he mumbled his name ..

Deen watch his shoulder now beelings a little cause of the scratch the little scared boy did to him while the little boy wants to reduce his fear while grabbing him ..but fluke really didn't realise at that moment that he digged his nails as well ..

Deen smiles firmly...despite of the scratch ..he didn't feel anything felt like it was worth ...

Deen is openly gay but never been in a relationship cause he never got the chance for relationships....he was always busy with the work and business he is holding right now ..lots of girls proposed him but he was never interested in them cause he knew they are after his money but not after him ....he is Into boys but still he never finds the one with whom he can think about the future and the love relationship ...

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