Chapter 1: Hierarchy overview

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Down in the farthest depths of the demon realm things are more chaotic than usual 

the demon realm functions based on control, its for the most part  a hierarchy. 

The demon king,  the counsel, and then the typical demons, well as typical as a demon can get. 

There is a level lower than typical, only criminals and traitors to the realm meet this fate.

Their powers are sealed permanently and they are outcasted to live among the wasteland 

that borders the realm. 

Such demons are known as rouges, they are powerless and live as nomads constantly on the move wherever their source of food (Beasts) relocate.

After the Great War the greatest amount of demons were cast down. 

Rouges began to form clans and for the most part lived peacefully on the outskirts, 

only allowed to come back during ad Congregandum.

The demon king has power over the realm and all of the decisions have to go through him.

He has the authority to declare war and many other powers that come with being the king.

Although before he or she was allowed to mate and reproduce, the reproduction of more than

one heir caused chaos and separation during the Great War which is the essential reason 

that demon kings now where chosen instead of it being a set path of ascension.

Should a demon king die the search  for a new would start immediately, usually the scroll

would locate the next king. The king would then go through the anointment process 

and rule for a millennium till the next king is chosen 

The counsel includes the 8 Nobel families, each entitled to a vital role. 

Theres the Lascrian family, in charge of managing and distributing wealth, including resources .

The Cerillian family, in charge of  sacred executions, and casting demons down.

The Lorett family,  responsible eliminating threats that breach the barrier to the demon realm.

The Phoenix family, with the duty of maintaining the flames that burn across the realm 

The Croziat family, accountable for advancements in weaponry and other aspect in the realm.

The Seer family, responsible for decoding and interpreting prophecies of the future.

The Cruval family, responsible for political negotiations between realms.

And last but not least the Corinthia family also known as the representatives of the typicals. 

Each and every one of these Nobel families play a vital role in maintaining peace and order throughout the realm.

Each Nobel family has one leader, unlike the demon king however  the path of ascension for 

the  Nobel family leader is hereditary. Every two hundred years a new Nobel family leader 

takes the former leaders place,  should the next in line perish and the one after hasn't  reached 

Their adult years (400 years old), the former leader fills in till the next in line reaches adulthood.

This system is set so that chaos never occurs, although there are many factors to consider ,such 

as treachery, War, and many other systematic/internal issues.

In the end the heaviest burden falls on the demon kings back,  power alone is not enough to 

reign over a kingdom, especially in this moment of crisis. 

The next demon king is in store for nothing ever experienced before. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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