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"And what's this fruit?" Senku asks, bored out of his mind having to sit here while there's a whole civilization right there waiting for them to swoop in and save them.

"Açai. I'm surprised it's even here. Never would've grown here in our day." (Y/N) says, equally as bored as he was.

"Hmm." He hums.

"That's it. I can't take this anymore! Why aren't we allowed in?" She says, progressively walking up to the bridge guards. "We're human! See? Are you blind?! We spent a day trying to find this village and another half a day being led here! Don't you think we deserve something for that? No? Apparently not! We can't even see the village chief!"

"No outsiders are allowed in the village." The brown haired one says for what feels like the millionth time.

"But why?! Do we look feral to you? Because, I mean, I've spent a lot of time with that guy here and I can't say I've gotten rabies yet. So where does it ethically say that I'm not allowed in there?" She asks. She was so frustrated with the whole system in this place and wasn't even sure if it was worth the humanity.

"Kinro, technically there is nothing saying we shouldn't let other people in." The blonde says, who was a lot less scary than the one flanking him.

"Shut up, Ginro! You know your job!" The one now known as Kinro says.

"This is unbelievable. Senku, why the hell are we wasting our time here? They clearly don't want to see our faces." (Y/N) says, turning away from the group of people that inhabited the islands.

"We're 'wasting our time here' because these people are gonna come through eventually. Now would you snap to your senses and talk to me and everyone else rationally?" Senku asks, raising his voice on his last words.

She was about ready to snap on him too, but she realized that would only make the situation worse. Instead, she walked up to where Senku was sitting and plopped down herself.

"You've gotta think about this. These people haven't had other human interaction their whole lives. They're obviously interested in us. All we have to do is win the people over. They're old fashioned, so it shouldn't be all that difficult." He says, poking at the ground with a stick.

"What do you mean win them over? How are we supposed to do much of anything if we're not allowed in there?" She asks, baffled but willing to listen.

"Well, the first part is getting past the guards. However, I still have left to come up with a plan for that." He says, giving (Y/N) false hope that he actually had it all figured out.

"These people seriously have their ethics and morals confused." (Y/N) sighs.

"I don't see the difference between the two." Senku says.

It was one of those freak events where (Y/N) actually knew something more than Senku did. But then again, Senku was a man of science. Not a man of philosophy.

"There's a slight difference, but it is there. I teach best in examples. Morals are what you personally know for sure is right and wrong. Ethics are where you sometimes don't know which way is right. Like, morally, stealing. You yourself know if that's right or wrong. Now ethics is a bit more difficult, but I have an example for this.

"Say you're a doctor and you currently have two patients. For the sake of the story, we're going to give them names. Boy one, we'll name him Johnny. Johnny has been in a coma for several months and he's practically already dead. The machine is just keeping him alive. The parents give consent to pull the plug because they don't want him to suffer any longer. Then, there's boy two. We'll name him Thomas. Thomas is in emergency need of a heart. And these kids are like five. You're not gonna find a heart that easily. But, Johnny has the perfect heart for Thomas. However, the family doesn't believe in that and doesn't give consent for a surgery. Do you, one; Let both of the kids die. Or two; Take the heart of Johnny, despite the parents wishes, and save at least one kid, also risking losing your job and doctors license."

"Easy. I save Thomas. If I'm smart enough to be a doctor, I'm smart enough to go get some other high paying job." He shrugs.

"Exactly. That is ethics. Some people think the option is dead obvious. However, the people of this village are the ones who would let both kids die." She says.

"You're right. That means it's gonna be even more difficult to get past them." He says, going back to thinking.

Then an idea hit her. Of course. It was so dead obvious, it went right over her head.

"Senku! What about Kohaku? She knows us hopefully well enough to help us in some sort!" She suggests.

"That is an option, but how are we gonna get her on board?" He asks, putting a hand to his chin to think. His necessary thinking face.

"That's an easy one. We wait until she leaves the village to go get that spring water for her sister." She says.

"That's it! We're from a time with really advanced medicine! If we saw her, we might be able to diagnose her!" Senku exclaims. "I'm not sure how important her sister is or if there even is a feudal system here. But I'm sure we would grab the attention of someone if we saved a struggling village dweller."

"Exactly. They can't refuse us then." (Y/N) says, getting her hopes up again.

"I say we make camp right outside the village. We're not on their lines, so they can't really kick us out. We stay here and wait for Kohaku. After that, we set our plan into motion. Aw, yeah. Get excited." Senku says, that familiar glint in his eye.

So, big news, my guys. I may be moving across the country. Now, it's not tomorrow. Or next week. And maybe next month. But, if it does happen, I'll make sure to tell you all so you'll know why I was absent for awhile.

Dopamine {Senku X Reader} *Deleted And Republished*Where stories live. Discover now