Pariston x Ging (Smut)

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"Oh come on, just come over~" Pariston said softly, talking to ging over the phone.
"Why exactly should I?"
"Pleeaasseee, it's my birthday."
"Fine, I'm not really doing anything today. Well, I never do much at all, what are we even gonna do?"
"I have a game I wanna play~ try to be here around 5pm tomorrow"
"No promises"

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

   'Knock knock knock' Pariston looked up with surprise as he heard the knock. He expected Ging to be even later. He opened the door and a messy haired Ging with sweatpants and a t-shirt on walked in.
"Well dont you look nice~" pariston teased,
"Oh shutup, you dont look much better."
Pariston was in sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt, the most dressed down outfit Ging had ever seen on him.

   Pariston watched as Ging sat down on the couch, "So what am I doing here again?"
"Come on Ging-san, I just wanted to see you~ Be nice." 

   Pariston grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses from the kitchen, pouring Ging and himself a glass.

   Ging took the glass, "What is this? A date?"

"Do you want it to be?~" -P

"Hell no." -G

"Aw, ging-san, why do you have to be so meeaan?~" -P

   Ging just scoffed and took a sip of the wine, "Hm. Not bad."

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

   Ging took his last sip of wine and looked up at pariston, "So what now?" Pariston looked at the other, "you want more?" "Sure"

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

   About 6 glasses of wine later, Ging was getting tipsy. Pariston not quite as much, but a little bit. "Are you ready for our game?~" Pariston stroked Gings hair. "Hm? Okay, whatever." Pariston carried the drunk Ging to his room and lay him on the bed.  "So, this is how it's gonna work. We're going to ask eachother questions about ourselves and if you get it wrong, you do whatever I want for 10 minutes. Same goes for me~"

   "Okay, weirdo, what year was I born?" -G
"1967" -P
"Why the fuck do you know that?" -G
"How tall am I?" -P
"Eeeehhhhh- fuck off" -G
"Oh my, how hurtful~" -P

   Ging rolled his eyes, "Let's just go to sleep, this is boring. I'll go sleep on the couch." Ging tried getting up but stumbled back onto the bed due to his drunkenness. "Hmm, but I have more. . . Entertaining. . .plans for us." Pariston said as he stroked the hair of the man who had fell down onto his lap. "What the fuck, do you even know what that sounds like when you say stuff like that?" Ging cringed and pariston just laughed lightly, sneakily running his hand up the other mans shirt.

   Ging shivered, "d-dammit, stop." Pariston smiled, "If you want me to stop, why arent you using nen to defend yourself?~" He teased. "O-oh shut up, dumbass, I'm just drunk!" Pariston gave no response, just humming as he ran his hand up and down the other males torso, pinching his nipple. Ging moaned out, shivering at the feeling. "Hnng, stop. . ." Ging was trying his best to deny his enjoyment. "Stop? Do you really want that?" Pariston ran his hand around gings waist and into his pants, firmly gripping his ass.

   "M-mph" ging tried his best not to moan out. Pariston smirked, "Come on, let it out~" Ging scoffed, "sh-shut it, rat!"
   Pariston completely stripped ging of his clothing and took off his own shirt. The blond haired male placed him self over ging and started kissing the other males neck, leaving bite marks and hickeys.

    Ging couldn't hold himself back anymore, the drunkenness was taking control of his body. He gave up. Ging started to grind against the other males body. Pariston instantly took notice of this, "Oh my, what's this? Has someone finally given in?~" Ging just whimpered, wrapping his arms around the other males shoulders.

   "Time for the next step, Ging-san~" Pariston spread the other males legs, feeling all over Gings crotch area and ass. Ging had completely let himself go, he let out muffled drunk moans and grinded against the other males hands. "Oh my, what a pitiful sight~" pariston teased, watching the other closely. The blond stuck his fingers into the other males mouth, wetting them. "Here we go~" Pariston placed two fingers at gings entrance, pushing them in slowly. Ging moaned out in pain and pleasure, shivering and shifting in the bed. Ging pushed against Paristons fingers, wanting more. Pariston took the two fingers out after a few thrusts. "There you go, that should be enough." 

  "H-huh?" Ging looked at the other male, confused. His face turned red as he saw pariston slipping his erected member out from his pants. Ging gasped lightly, he didn't really expect Pariston to be that big.

  "Let's get started, Ging-San~"  Pariston said as he lifted up gings legs, placing them on his shoulders and lining himself up at the males entrance.  Ging braced himself. He moaned loudly as the blond pushed into him painfully fast. 


   Pariston let out a small, smug laugh as he heard the satisfying noises come from ging. He leaned down and kissed gings neck lovingly as he started to thrust thoroughly but roughly, and fast. This was a lot for ging since it was his first time with a man. The smaller grumpy man gripped onto the others shoulders tightly. He let out grunts and small moans. The little kisses pariston was leaving all over his neck felt so soft and sweet. Pariston may have been rough but he still thrusted with care to make sure he didnt actually hurt the other male.

   Pariston stopped kissing the other for a second so he could take a nice look at the sweet facial expressions his adorable ging-san was making. He smiled at the others cute face and the small moans coming from him. He placed a loving kiss ok the others mouth and then bracing himself, he started to roughen up the pace of his thrusts and grabbed ahold of the other males erect member, playing with it in his hands, "w-wait, you damn rat . . . I'm already close just from being fucked, if you do that I'll- n-ngh! Ah. . . You dumbass. . . You made me cum." Pariston chuckled lightly at the mess ging had made from cumming on the sheets and on his hand. "Dont worry, I'm getting close too~" pariston grinned and started to speed up the pace, making his last few thrusts extremely rough before he came allowed himself to orgasm inside of the other male. Pariston smiled to himself as he pulled out. Ging plopped down on the bed, panting. Pariston sighed, "come on, you can pass out just yet. You have to clean me off." He said as he placed his cum covered member in front of the other males mouth. Ging accepted and took it into his mouth, sucking and licking it sweetly. After he had cleaned it all off completely, he passed out. Pariston sighed, "I suppose we can wash the sheets in the morning. . ."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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