Part : 1

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Readers POV :
I woke up with a strange feeling.. it's indescribable, like a sick and ashamed feeling , I'm not sure why I feel this way, I'm so confused, * knock knock * I always wake up early so who in the world is knocking on my door at 5:30 am ?!

C-come in, I stuttered, ahh (y/n) finally decided to let me in hm? , it was lord orochimaru what is he doing in my room ???!! I ask to myself , what ? He giggles , did I startle you? I-.. no lord Orochimaru, I'm sorry .

What are you apologizing for my love ?  He says , My love ?? I Question in my head ... what In the WOLRD ... does the snake have your tongue? Answer me when I talk to you .. yes sir , I say in a kind of shaky voice , do you not remember our little experiment from last night ? I sit in confusion, maybe this is some weird dream ,I think to myself , hmpf must not , he says , let me remind you , Orochimaru grabs my chin and lifts my face up to him , he gets closer and closer then kisses me , at first I was scared , confused, nervous and so many more things but eventually I loosen up and begin to kiss back , he pulls away , so now do you remember, he says with a smirk .

Forgive me for my ignorance but I'm not sure what you're saying My lord , don't call me that he quickly snaps ... what the fuck , I think , don't call him MY LORD ???? But that's what he is to me ... He must've seen the look on my face , I noticed how he started to calm down , (y/n) I am many things to you , your lover - I cut him off , what ?? I say not being able to keep my thoughts to myself , he then just explodes , i have never seen him like this before .

Last night I told you I needed you to come to me for an experiment , I confessed my love to you and then MADE love to you and you just forgot ?? Like that ?? You're mine , I need you to be mine . Orochimaru says , This is not like Orochimaru, is he on drugs or something???? I mean not that I'm mad about it , I've always loved him , something about him just makes my heart skip a beat, I've liked him since I first met him, it's just that I didn't expect this, it's a dream come true and I don't know how to react , I think to myself .

After looking at him in shock I finally find the courage to speak up and say something, O-Orochimaru.. I love you, I love you so much, I'm yours and I can't believe that this is actually happening, Orochimaru smiles and says , My Queen , I love you so dearly and I will never leave your side , I make a vow to you now that I will never leave you , you will forever be my reasoning.

Does this mean ...? You ask , yes my love and I don't expect you to hide it , I want you to claim me and I will claim you , if anyone try's to hurt you or take you I will kill them .

I grab Orochimaru and he holds me close i feel his silk black hair as he tells me again and again about his love for me , this is everything I could've asked for .

Hey ! I hope you liked it , if you want me to add more chapters/ parts ! Send in some suggestions please, I'll probably update later today or tomorrow, ( weather I get suggestions or not ) but anyways thanks for reading - The Arthur 🌞🌺

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