Chapter Three - Promising Lead

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After exploring the Dorms, Itachi and Kisame were going over the current leads on Wrath. The leads were that of previous comings and goings. 

Kisame: This isn't a lot to go on. Looks like we reached a dead end. 

Itachi: It would appear so. Wrath certainly knows how to cover his tracks. But at least we know something new about him. 

Kisame: You mean the Sharingan?

Itachi: Exactly. The Sharingan is an extremely rare Quirk. That could help lower our list of suspects. We just have to find records of people with that Quirk. 

Kisame: Guess that'll be up to Nagato to find something. In the meantime, it appears we have nothing better to do. Why not we wind down? 

Though Itachi didn't want to stop the investigation, there was no other lead to go on. Itachi had no other choice but to relax.

Itachi: Maybe you're right. It would be nice to spend some time with Momo. 

As Itachi said that, a knock came at the door. Itachi opened the door revealing Sasori and Deidara on the other side. 

Itachi: Hello Deidara and Sasori. What brings you here?

Deidara: Nagato wants the Akatsuki to meet up immediately. Appartenly those Zombie pair found some kinda lead on Wrath.

Itachi: Are you certain?

Sasori: They seemed to be very confident with this information. 

Without hesitation, Itachi and Kisame went with Sasori and Deidara back to the Akatsuki hideout. Once they got there, they were met by Nagato and Konan along with Kakuzu and Hidan. 

Nagato: You all made it. Good. Now we can begin. 

Itachi: What information did you find on Wrath?

Konan: According to one of Kakuzu's contacts, Wrath was previously connected with the crime lord Danzo. 

Upon hearing this, Itachi became more interested. He had heard stories of Danzo's influence over Japan during his days as the Phantom. 

Itachi: I'm familiar with him. I never met him face to face, but I know of him.

Konan: During the attack on the Quirk Training Camp, Danzo's compound was raided by Wrath and one of his Disciples. The reasoning behind the attack is unknown. 

Kakuzu: What's even more strange is that when they found Danzo's body, one of Danzo's eyes was missing. Someone plucked it out. 

Upon hearing this, Itachi was stunned to hear this. Something about all this seemed wrong, but he couldn't quite understand why. 

Itachi: Was anything stolen?

Nagato: According to police reports, nothing was stolen. It was a simple raid. But there are gaps to this whole thing. 

Hidan: So long story short, his information is worth fuck all! Why fucking bother with it?!

Kakuzu: Any information is better than nothing. 

As everyone tried to piece together this information, Itachi remembered a rumor he heard in his Phantom days. Something that at first glance would be considered irrelevant information, but he felt it might be vital information. 

Itachi: There was a rumor speculating about Danzo. They say that he was responsible for the disappearance of the Pro Hero Shisui Uchiha. 

Nagato: I remember that. Integra mentioned Shisui Uchiha as a person of interest. 

Kisame: Well isn't that interesting!

Nagato: What else can you tell about Shisui and Danzo?

Itachi: I'm afraid there's nothing more to say. What is known is that Shisui Uchiha disappeared and Danzo was connected to it. No body was ever recovered. 

The pieces began to fall together. Wrath was connected to both Danzo and Shisui Uchiha. But how they were connected was unknown. Itachi more than anyone was ready to look into this and hopefully uncover his identity.  

Deidara: Is there anything else that we should know?

Nagato: No. There is nothing more at the moment. 

Sasori: Then we are at a dead end. Even with this useful information, it'll get us nowhere since one is dead and two are nowhere to be found. 

Nagato: Sasori is right. There is nothing more that can be done. All we can do is wait. 

Though disappointed with this, Itachi had more information that could help uncover Wrath's identity. The information connecting Danzo and Shisui to Wrath seemed promising. As he was lost in thought, Itachi got a text on his phone. 

Kisame: What is it Itachi? 

Itachi: It's from Momo. It looks like the Provisional License Exam is upon us. 

Kisame: Is that so? Well this should be interesting!

Deidara: The Provisional License Exam? That'll be the perfect opportunity to showcase my art! Hhm.

Sasori: It appears our search for Wrath will be postponed for the time being. 

Nagato: Don't worry. We will continue to monitor any possible leads that could lead us to Wrath. In the meantime, continue to focus on your academic endeavors at UA. We'll update you whenever we find more information. That will be all. 

After that, Itachi along with Kisame, Deidara and Sasori left the Akatsuki hideout to head back to the dorms. 

Kisame: This should be rather interesting! 

Sasori: I agree. This will be a good test run for my puppet's latest upgrades. 

Itachi's mind was still on Wrath. The threat he poses weighed heavily on Itachi's mind.

Itachi: (Wrath....I know you're out there. I don't know where. I don't know how. But I will find you. I swear on my entire being that I will find you and bring you to justice.)

In that moment, Itachi vowed to find Wrath and bring him to justice. Despite this, he also kept his focus on the incoming Provisional License Exams. He would train himself so that he may pas. 

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