Innocent love

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"ma... Where is my form... I can't find it here" Ragini shouted while searching above the almirah.

"Here.. it is." Her mom handed her the form, she was looking for "If you want to find something. You have to search for the place where you kept it last time." With it, she went to the kitchen while murmuring audibly,
"Oh, God!... When will this girl grow up? She didn't even know how to handle herself. And she already had an eight-month daughter to look after. Oh! my poor son-in-law, how did he even tolerate these two kids"

"Maa... I can hear you" Ragini shouted peeping inside the kitchen

"Hmm.. good... I too say it for you to hear. At least then, we will see you will become mature or not" Badma, Ragini's mom turned toward her with a stern look. For which she just gave a stupid grin and ran from there.

After their cute interaction, Ragini went toward the cradle where her eight-month-old daughter sleeping. She caressed her hair and pecked her forehead. And she sat on the nearby sofa with her form in her hand. After she opened the pen lid she starts to fill it. After she finished it, her hand automatically started to caress her father's name which she wrote in the middle of her name and her husband's name.

Lakshya, Her Husband didn't want her to remove her father's name from her name, instead, he joined his name after his.

When she caressed her father's name she can't help but remember how her life had been changed in this past ten years after her father passed away.

Then she is only eleven years old. She and her parents were lived in their hometown happily. They were from Ramanathapuram, where the air is always filled with a salty breeze. Just like every daughter to their father; she is also her father's princess. Raguvaran, her father was a fisherman. Though they were in poverty; they were happy with whatever they have. But everything changed that day. When her father who go for fishing; came back as a corpse.

Because of their financial state, they moved from their hometown to Madurai where her mother's brother- her maternal uncle - lived. They need some financial help and he was willing to do that. He and his wife were childless. So, they always treat her like a daughter. Though they were also poor; there was not a single time they made them feel like a burden. But her mother doesn't want to burden them more; so, Badma stopped her studies after she completed tenth.

And one day, her uncle coincidentally met her father's best friend who had settled abroad when she was just a toddler. When Ravi, Raguvaran's long last childhood best friend came to know about his best friend's demise. He was really broken. He even blamed himself as the worst friend. And then, it revealed he is now permanently shifted to India. And now he and his family were living in Chennai. The purpose of his visit to Madurai was to pray in Meenakshi Amman temple for his mother; who is now in the deathbed. She had cancer and also in the last stage. The only wish for her now is to see her grandson's marriage.

Somehow with some unexpected turn, Ravi's son's marriage fixed with Ragini, Who is only sixteen years old then. Though she felt suffocated in that marriage preparation; But she accepted it for others happiness. And most importantly she felt very nervous. She didn't even know with whom she is going to marry. How does he look? What's his name? Will he accept her? Will he care for her? Will he love her?

And her all questions had been answered on her wedding day. Lakshya, a stranger and also her husband. Twenty-two-year-old, handsome lad. A very genuine and caring person. Aspiring to become an IAS Officer and also pursuing it.

Though he married her because of his grandmother's health condition; he don't want to start their life as a stranger and also when she is still a minor. So, he started their relationship as friends. Which was a great relief for her.

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