"Ma'am, Dr.Jetson on line 3."
"Thank you Lucy," I groaned before reaching towards the phone, "Dr. Jetson, what a surprise."
"Oh for goodness sake calling me dad wouldn't kill you."
"Dr.Jetson what was the purpose of your call?"
"Rona, is it really bad for me to call my daughter."
"Dr.Jetson the reason you called."
"I don't see why you cannot call me dad."
"Dr.Jetson, I have work I need to get done and I cannot do that while arguing over a name. Now the reason?"
"Yes, of course." He hesitated.
"I need your help."
"I'm afraid I can not assist you. Good day Dr.Jetson." The call ended. I reached over and hit the inner com.
"Lucy block Dr.Jetson's number please."
"Yes Ma'am." I released the button and sighed before pressing it again.
"Cancel all plans for today Lucy. Go home and spend time with your son."
"Yes Ma'am." She tried to contain the happiness in her voice, but I could hear it. I stood and grabbed my bag before walking out of the office.
"Hey Rona!" A girl walked up next to me. She was tall and bony. Her eyes were bright blue and the dark circles around them made her look as if she would pass out from exhaustion at any second. Her long blonde hair was put up neatly in a bun and she was wearing a smirk which I knew meant trouble. Whenever she was next to me, it was like a giant looking down at a dwarf. Sometimes I feel as if her shadow is going to swallow me whole.
"Hey Carrie." I said. Carrie Jetson was my competition for the new promotion.
"Where are you headed. Isn't there work to be done." Carrie remarked.
Oh that little!
"Indeed Carrie there is, but work on an empty stomach is no good."
"Isn't lunch a few hours later."
She's trying me today. I try to find a response but the one I have even surprises me. Before I stop myself it's said.
"I'm actually going to eat lunch with dad so it'll take a while to get there. He called me earlier and asked for help so I'm heading over."
"Aren't you a bit new at this to be taking days off this soon."
"Carrie. I appreciate you looking out for me, but there is no need for you to act like my boss." That sure set her off.
"Oh Rona dear, you honestly need to listen to me if you want that job. You're almost making it to easy for me." She laughed and I sneered. I was jealous of that laugh. I was jealous of her.
"Carrie Dear, shut up." I smiled before walking to my car. I had just bought a new 2017 Acura NSX and man did it feel good to see the look on her face when I climbed in. She walked up to the passenger side and climbed in.
"Lets go see dear old dad." She smirked. Oh it's going down.
I grumbled as I pulled out, guess we are going to go see our father.
"What exactly does dad need help with?"
"I don't know he just called and said he needed help."
"Well, how about we get your secretary to call and ask him." She reached over and clicked a few buttons pulling up Lucy's contact. I grabbed her hand and almost swerved us off the road in doing so.
"She's off work today. She's spending time with her son."
"Oh what a nice boss! See that's why you aren't getting this job. You leave in the blink of an eye if your father asks for something and you let your secretary off for the day to spend time with 2 foot brats."
"Lucy is a dedicated single mom ok. She's worked really hard to be where she is at and she deserves a break."
"But did you give her the break or did she ask?"
"Damnit Carrie! Do you have to be better! I let my employee off for the day because she needs to spend time with her kid. So her son doesn't end up like us ok? I don't need to know that another child is being deprived of love because of work ok. It already happened to us."
"PMS." Carrie mumbled.
"That's it!" I swerved over to the side of the road and parked.
"Get out."
"I said get out?"
"You cannot be serious."
"Carrie I said get out of my car."
"Rona. Sweetie, you aren't really gonna make me walk in these heels are you?" Carrie takes off her shoe to show her. They are tall but what was she achieving with those. She's already tall.
"Shoes can be taken off."
"We are in the middle of no where!"
"I don't care."
"Uh if I shut up for the rest of the ride will you let me stay."
"I will leave you alone."
"I'll stop bothering you about your decisions."
"That's a good baby sister."
"Shut up."
"That's what you have to learn how to do for the next 60 minutes."
"Carrie! Oh my daughter, what a surprise." Carrie rushed over and hugged our dad. He was older than I remembered. His hair was graying, and you could barely see his old facial features due to the wrinkles all over his face.
"Rona's here too."
"What?" His eyes glance over to the car as I climb out.
"Hi Dr.Jetson."
"Am I missing something?" Carrie looks between us trying to convey what's happening in our heads.
"I thought you weren't coming."
"I changed my mind."
"Well ladies, Leo is inside so let's get to it."
"Lead the way pops."
"Leo, auntie Carrie, and auntie Rona are here." I don't know if I could look at him in all honesty. He looked way to much like his dad. Blonde hair that went crazy if it wasn't under a hat, which it mostly was. His blue eyes were mesmerizing and there wasn't a girl he couldn't get. His father had the same 'issue', which got him into plenty of trouble. I still have no idea how many nieces, and nephews I have from him.
"Eh." Leo looked us up and down and immediately remembered how boring we were to him. One of his eyes was covered by the hair that escaped his cap. The other visible but grayer than it was the last time I saw him.
"Start the experiment Leo."
"Alright I heard you." He grumbled on his way up the stairs. Now that I got a good look at the building I was scared for what was to come. As soon as you enter there was three beds laid out with some type of machines on each side. The stairs led up to a room with a giant glass window looking down on the beds. In the room you could see a series on buttons and levers. As I look up my breath tightens. There is about 10 different claws and hands on the ceiling hanging over the beds.
"Girls please lay down."
"Dr.Jetson. What is this contraption?"
"Yes Dad. What is this." Carrie said elbowing me in the gut.
"It the marble." He walked off with a smile making us chase him.
"Dr.Jetson, can you expand on that please."
"It will transport you into a different realm. A memory realm to be exact." He turned to see the looks on our faces expecting confusion but we only looked at him with straight faces.
"What does this have to do with us? Why do you need our help?" I exclaimed. Carrie grabbed my arm as I tensed up.
"Dad, what are you up too."
"I've been working on this since you were little and I hope this makes up for all the birthdays I've missed." He pressed a button on the wall and the lights turned off.
"Dr.Jetson." I said.
"Rona!" Carries hand was no longer on my arm.
"Dr.Jetson!" I screamed as I myself was lifted into the air. Something metal was wrapped around me. The claws. Leo.
"Leo what are you doing!" Carrie screamed. The lights turned back on. I looked around. Carrie was strapped down on one side of me. Leo the other. The three beds in front were where we were now laid.
"Good luck kidos."
"Grandpa?" Leo looked at him. His cap was no longer on his head. His eyes were grayer up close. It looked like his light was gone. Dr.Jetson looked us over before walking over to a lever. He was now in the room hanging above us. His smile grew as he put his hand around the lever before pulling it down.
"Have fun."

ParanormalLeonard Jetson raised his children to always work hard, but that translated into them following his foot steps and putting work above everything. After years of hard work on his invention he invites his family to come and see. However the many years...