"Oh my gosh. Rona?"
"Wake up! Please wake up!"
"Carrie calm down." I groaned. My head was pounding. I sat up and looked around. Everything was white and as I looked around I saw an unconscious Carrie, and Leo on each side of me. The sky and ground were white but in the distance there was a small wood cabin. When I looked in front of me Carrie wasn't Carrie.
"How are you here?" I knew those eyes anywhere. There was a smile spread across his face.
"You," Leo stood now, glaring at his father," you! Of all people we could see in this weird realm one of them had to be you!"
"Leo calm down." Carrie was now by his side. Tears escaped his eyes and Carrie pulled him into a hug.
"Leo." Clark's smile faded as he looked at his son. He had missed every year of his sons life since he was 4, he had missed 13 years of his sons life. Now he was almost an adult, and I can almost guarantee that bonding would not be happening after that.
"Clark, an explanation. Now." I grabbed his arm.
"Can I please talk to my son."
"Clark. Listen to me." My grip tightened.
"Rona let go of me." He looked at me and sighed. "Let me talk to my son." I looked over to Leo and Carrie. She had calmed him down and they were now sitting down talking. I removed my hand from his arm and immediately regretted it.
"Get away from me!" Leo yelled. He walked away from Carrie and Clark. Heading towards me.
"Aunt Rona. Please take us home."
He looked up to me his eyes grayer than before.
"I want to go home."
"I. I don't know how."
"Please Aunt Rona please." I wrapped my arms around him as he cried more.
"Rona give me my son, Carrie tell her to give me my son."
"Rona." Carrie whispered.
"Aunt Rona please. I want to go back."
"Rona let go of my son! You have no right to hold him away from me."
"Rona. Please calm down Rona." Carrie said. She saw my shaking hands.
"Leo. I need you to stand behind me ok."
"Carrie. Tie him down."
"What? Why?"
"Tie him down."
"Alright Mr.Jetson now you have two options. You talk, or you don't see your son. Now pick." I walked around him. We were in the cabin. It was me and Carrie. Good cop, bad cop. Though we are both bad cops.
"Rona would it hurt you to call me Clark." Clark joked
"Shut it Clark. You and your sons relationship depends on your next words." Carrie slammed her hand down on the table drawing Clark's attention.
"Weren't you two like the definition of kindness back in grade school?"
"Clark!" We looked over to see Leo. His hat was backwards and he glared at his father as he walked into the room.
"You will take this seriously. If not I have no choice but to end my life."
"Leo!" I yelled.
"Well that's nice." Carrie mumbled.
"How am I supposed to take this seriously when all you three do is yell at each other." In the blink of an eye carries hand slapped Clark in the face.
"Shut up and explain."
"This is the memory realm. Dad found it and made a portal to get in it."
"We already know that, but how are you here?" I asked.
"And how do we leave?" Carrie added.
"That I don't know."
"Knock him out."
"He's out cold. We have to get out of here before he wakes up. Carrie try to pack up as much supplies as you can. Leo can you watch him, if he wakes up just knock him out again ok?"
"Yeah. Ok."
I ran upstairs and started gathering some supplies while Carrie grabbed food. I grabbed sleeping bags, matches, lamps, and clothes, and threw them into a gray backpack I found on the ground. I also grabbed a brown satchel and put medicine, and other toiletries and emergency items in it.
"Leo talk to me."
"I don't want to talk to you."
"You can't act like you don't when I know you do. You want to know me don't you. I'm your father."
I ran downstairs quicker than I think I have in a while.
"Leo I said knock him out."
"I'm sorry. I can't do it."
"Leo it's fine. Just go help Aunt Carrie." As soon as Leo was out of earshot I turned towards my brother.
"Oh sweet little Rona, why do you hate me?"
"Because you're despicable, and unnecessary. Just like Henry."
"Well I'm sure you wouldn't say that if he was right here."
"You're right Clark. If Henry was here I wouldn't say anything I would slap him across the face."
"Well I should leave then shouldn't I." Oh Hell no.AN: hello! So I haven't been on Wattpad in years. Specifically the last time I truly sat down and wrote was in 7th grade when now I'm a college student. This was probably my favorite story I wrote. I never finished it, and I never edited it either and that's why there's so many mistakes. However please enjoy it as if those weren't there. I'm working on editing all of the chapters and hopefully making some kind of character chart in order to give you more visual on who is who. Please vote, and comment if you have any questions. XOXO

ParanormalLeonard Jetson raised his children to always work hard, but that translated into them following his foot steps and putting work above everything. After years of hard work on his invention he invites his family to come and see. However the many years...