Chapter 2

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Guess who just finished Chapter 2?! That's right me and @Snow_Wolfe are done with the second chapter for y'all to read! I hope it's good cuz I'm still not a good author. But I hope the 0 people reading this enjoy it. Now On To The Story!


~Amanda's POV~

I've been waiting for an hour and Diana still isn't here did she forget?  I thought as I walked to my table. Then out of the corner of my eye I see Diana sitting with a GUY eating lunch. Awww my little Diana is growing up, but wait who is that guy. I thought as I walked up to Diana. "Hi" I said while waving, Diana quickly looked up and said "oh my gosh sorry Amanda I totally forgot and I said I would eat lunch with Aiden too." Then she turned to Aiden and said "I'm so sorry I already promised Amanda that I'd eat lunch with her." "No worries" the boy called Aiden said. Then I thought wait this kid has blond hair and ocean blue eyes and Diana is really getting along well with him. "Hey Diana it's fine all three of us can eat lunch together and you can tell me all about how you met Aiden is it" I said pointing to the gorgeous boy who was just perfect for Diana to get out of her shell. "Yep" the Aiden said while nodding "and your Amanda, Diana's best friend since 2nd grade?" yep that's me" I said smiling. "Now tell me how did you two become friends?" Diana blushed slightly and said "oh it's nothing we just met on the bus and well you know when I'm new to a school I always sit in the back of the bus and he kinda fell into the seat next to me." "Aww how sweet" I said then I whispered to Diana "don't do anything stupid with your new boyfriend." Diana slapped me and whispered loudly "WE'RE NOT TOGETHER." Sure I thought as I rolled my eyes.

~Aiden's POV~


Diana's friend seemed very protective like a mommy bird guarding its babies, but she was pretty not as pretty as Diana to me but pretty. As she looked at me her eyes looked as if she were staring into my soul to see if I was good or bad. I was good right I only stole that toy from that kid because he stole my money that doesn't make me bad right? "Hello, you paying attention" Diana said waving her hand in front of my face. "Oh yeah um what were we talking about" I said while running my hand through my hair. Amanda looked at me with an annoyed face and said "we were talking about how we should go to the movies later today, you know the new horror movie that came out we want to see it, and we want you to come with us. You know for you can buy all the food for I don't have to waste any money," this Amanda said smiling. "Um no, I'm not coming just to buy all your foods I'm coming and buying myself a big tub of popcorn and imma share it with only Diana and not you Amanda," as I said this I smiled and then said "see you there and make sure to bring your blankie Amanda for you don't get scared." "Shut up" she said while smiling and also smacking the back of my head, "your the one who'll need a blankie and you BETTER share the popcorn with me." "Fine I'll think about it but no promises," I said trying to hold back a smile. "Hey there's Johnathan, imma call him over."

~Jonathan's POV~

"Hey, Jonathan!" I heard the voice of my best friend Aiden calling me. And when I look around I could've sworn I saw him sitting at a table with not ONE but TWO GIRLS! There is no way this guy is talking to these two girls and none of the girls here will not even look at me like is this some alternate universe?! "Hey bro what's up and seriously I mean what's up" I said glancing at the two girls. "Oh nothing this is Diana" a girl raised her hand and waved "and this is Amanda" the other girl nodded her head. "So you must be Jonathan." the dark haired girl named Diana said with a huge smile on her face. "Yep, that's me." I said with a small wave. "So your Aiden's "cool" friend?" the copper haired girl named Amanda said. "Well if you say I'm cool than I'll take your word for it," I said smiling. "Don't push your luck Aiden's the one who said your "Cool" NOT ME." "Ok ok," I said holding my hands up "you don't need to get all mad at me I'm just joking around." "So how'd y'all meet, cuz I'm suppose to be the popular one between me and Aiden." "Well I just found out myself that these two met on the bus here and Aiden here stole her from me when me and Diana were suppose to have lunch together so I might beat up your boy later so yea," Amanda said. "Ok well HELL NO Diana is probably the one who kept him from eating lunch with me, so I might beat up yo girl later." I said jokingly in response. Then out of nowhere I hear Aiden say, "Dude ain't no way ur beating up Diana, cuz if you do you won't be alive tomorrow." "And, Amanda, if u even try and lay a finger on Aiden you might just end up without any money," Diana said with an angry voice.

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