hey everyone im making this with connor venturing the underground but before he goes to the mountain he bumps into two unexpected people that will venture with connor to help him on his journey.(I dont own any of the characters except my oc... All o...
Right at the beginning of the day I knew it was going to be troublesome. Because Hank didn't want to get up at all so. I had to drag him out of the bed.
But i added a change to the plan I know I could leave in the morning so I'm going to have to leave at night and yeah this is going to be very troublesome cuz he's not getting up at all and I didn't even go into sleep mode last night so maybe he got drunk or something so. I'll just leave him alone and I'll go to the store by myself.
Me and my sister went to the mall today so we could get some stuff before we decided to leave today because there is going to be a Blood Moon around midnight so we're leaving at midnight to go to mount ebott.
So we're not coming back because of a few reasons. We are only Gathering thing so we can leave and not come back.
(Connor's P.O.V) Well i arrived to the mall and adimaticly see a fight going down. So i decided to leap into action.
"Hey,what in the world are you doing"I said trying to stop the problem "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ANDROID"he said ventom spiting in his words.
Welp this is going to be easy "Well actually it is my business" i reached into my back pocket and pulled out my badge
"detective Anderson at your survice" all of the people around the people i saw get attacked... Well they left in a rush.
And when I look down i see a weird fox on a leash. And a young woman likely in her late teens with a cool ouift on.
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